Écrins National Park

Écrins is a French national park occupying the Western Alps, containing the Pelva mountain range, which houses a reserve with the same name. The park was founded in 1963 on an area of 918 km2. The borders of the park pass along the rivers Romance, Dyurans, Gizan and Drak. The height of the mountains reaches 4100 meters, the park also has more than a hundred mountains with a height of more than 3000 meters. Many mountains have glaciers, of which there are more than 40 pieces with a total area of 170 km2.

Écrins National Park

The relief of the Ekren National Park is glaturally-nival, in it you can meet the canes, lakes, cars, river valleys. The park is geographically divided into 7 plots and 7 valleys, where you can find forests from pine and oak, subalpine and alpine meadows, the wastelands on which more than 3,000 plants grow. From animals in the park you can meet: chamois, alpine groundhog, golden eagle, boars, foxes, wolves. Many of them need protection.

Tourism is very well developed in Ekren Park, over 700 km of paths are laid, on which 30 shelters are equipped. It is worth considering that the park has a very strict rule for non-compliance with which a serious fine threatens. It is forbidden to bring dogs into the territory of the park, collect plants and take animals with you, you can not throw garbage, light bonfires and use vehicles using petroleum products.

Écrins National Park
Écrins National Park Écrins National Park Écrins National Park Écrins National Park Écrins National Park Écrins National Park
Écrins National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 44.855833
Longitude: 6.263611


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