Fundy National Park

Fundy is Canada's National Park, founded in 1948 in the Fandi Bay. The territory occupied by the park is 206 km2. The bay is known for its tides, with a tide difference of 9 meters. The water area of Fandi Bay is a typical example of the wattle sea, from beyond areas of low-lying sea, appearing current at low tides. Fandi Bay is part of the more crpu Bay - Maine. The coastline of Fandi Bay is 300 km, the maximum depth of the bay is 214 meters.

Fundy National Park

The national park used to be completely covered with glaciers during the glaciation of Wisconsin. For 13,000 years, the glacier melted, leaving behind huge pits. In one of these pits, the Maclaren pond formed.

Vegetable and animal world

Fandi National Park has rich flora and fauna. Here are presented 658 species of vascular plants, 276 species of moss and more than 400 species of lichen. Fandi mixed forests consist of red spruce, balsamic firting, yellow birch, sugar maple. There are also swamps covered with carpet from moss in the park, and black spruce and larch also occur on them. Among vegetation, predatory plants are especially distinguished: sarratenia, dew, vesicles.

Fundy National Park

There are 38 species of mammals in the park, of which you can often find: moose, white-tailed deer. The main predators are coyotes, black bears, foxes and lynxes. Of the small mammals, it is worth noting: bat, hare, eastern chipmunk, red squirrel, Canadian beaver. During colonization, wolves, caribou and American cunica survived from these places.

In the fandi park you can find 260 varieties of birds, the main representatives of which are: woodpeckers, dark-eyed Yunko, white-winged clusters, large blue herons, eared cormorants, sapsans.

Fandi National Park is very popular among tourists, up to 250,000 people visit it in a year. For them, more than 100 km of paths are laid, on which you can find campgrounds and campsites. In the park you can go fishing, ride a boat, watch birds, you can even play golf, tennis and bowling.

Fundy National Park Fundy National Park Fundy National Park Fundy National Park Fundy National Park Fundy National Park
Fundy National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 45.595278
Longitude: -64.953889


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