Valkmusa National Park

Valkmusa is a national park in Finland in the Kymenlaakso region. It was founded in 1996 to preserve a unique local wetland system containing over 30 different types of wetlands with water ranging in color from blue to emerald. The park covers an area of 17 km2 and contains a huge number of plants. Forests occupy less than 2 km2 of the entire park territory. The Kymi River flows along the northern border.

Valkmusa National Park

Valkmus Park highlights the diversity of birds: on the one hand, the abundance of southern avifauna, on the other, the distribution of northern species, such as the ptarmigan. The territory of Valkmusa Park is very important for the migration of birds; birds rest here during their migration. Among the birds you can see the herb, curlew, red-headed duck, osprey, crane, goose. A large number of butterflies live in the park, many of them are on the verge of extinction. Forests, as throughout Finland, are represented by pine and spruce trees. Among the animals you can find moose here. They feel quite comfortable here.

It is always better to move through the swamp along a wooden path, the length of which is 2.5 km. The management has installed observation towers throughout the park, from which you can watch birds and admire the snowy expanses in winter. Signs, brochures and signs in several languages will help you explore the local beauties.

Valkmusa National Park

Up to 7,000 people a year come to Valkmusa Park to admire the local beauty and birdwatching. The park is quite conveniently located, close to the Scandinavia highway and the Russian border, which contributes to a constant influx of tourists.

Valkmusa National Park Valkmusa National Park Valkmusa National Park Valkmusa National Park Valkmusa National Park Valkmusa National Park
Valkmusa National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 60.566667
Longitude: 26.733333


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