Daisetsuzan National Park

Daisetsuzan is a national park in Japan located in the central part of Hokkaido Island. The largest and most famous among all national parks and nature reserves of Japan. Daytsuzan National Park was founded on December 4, 1934. Its area is more than 2260 km2, of which about 350 km2 occupy five reserves.

Daisetsuzan National Park

Daisetsuzan is characterized by a combination of Arctic and alpine elements of flora, manifestations of volcanic activity ( hot springs ). Black Japanese and brown bears, food, red-tree nightingales, nuts live here.

The Ainu legends say that the peaks of the Daysotsu Mountains are inhabited by kind and powerful mountain spirits, at the time of need for helping people, taking on a human form. The trail network allows you to make both one-day and seven-day trips, and the time spent on hiking or climbing on a cable car is more than paid for by views opening from the tops. From Asahi Mountain ( 2290 m ) a solemn panorama of the entire plateau opens. June and July are the flowering time of alpine plants, autumn paints are the brightest in late August and September. Particular attention should be paid to several groups of volcanic mountains located in the north, southwest and east of the park. Some of them reach 2000 meters in height. On the territory of Daisetsuzan Park there are 2 villages known for having sources of useful mineral water on their territory: Shirogan Onsen and Tokashidake Onsen. The resort of Furano is located near the reserve, and therefore in winter, in Daytsuzan, tourists are happy to ski in one of the many sites for flat and skiing. The park has a cool Souikyo gorge with cascades of the Ryusei and Ginga waterfalls

Daisetsuzan National Park
Daisetsuzan National Park Daisetsuzan National Park Daisetsuzan National Park Daisetsuzan National Park Daisetsuzan National Park Daisetsuzan National Park
Daisetsuzan National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.660278
Longitude: 142.858056


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