Skole Beskids

Skole Beskids - the national park of Ukraine in the Carpathians, spread over an area of 352 km2. Designed to preserve unique spruce forests and protected tract.

Skole Beskids

In the Skolevsky Beskydy National Park you can see the Kamenetsky and Gurkalo waterfalls. There is also the historical and cultural reserve of Tustan with the ruins of the ancient fortress of the same name, which previously served as a defensive structure and customs control point for the transport of salt from Galicia. During archaeological excavations, many exhibits were found, including battle axes, rings, arrowheads, pots, burial rivets, wells. Based on the excavations, it was concluded that the protective walls of the Tustan fortress, built around the 10th century, were 15 meters. In the center stood a five-story building with a floor height of 4 meters. The fortress supplied water with a well in the rocks, and excess water was stored in 2 tanks in the rocks.

No less interesting is the flora and fauna of Skolevsky Beskid, because unique plants grow here, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Of the plants, it is worth noting: snowdrop, daffodil, astrangement, mountain arnica, forest lily, yatryshnik, corneal spoly. More than 20 species of fish live in the rivers of the park: trout, carp, horse riding, hariuses, Balkan barbel, sandstone, plum. Near the rivers you can easily meet newts, salamander, frogs. Ornithofauna, which has more than 150 species of birds, is also interesting here, among which cranes, geese, gogoli, staples, gulls, large crowns, 82 species of sparrows and 18 species of birds of prey.

Skole Beskids

In 1965, 10 bison was brought to the Skolevsky Beskydy, which adapted and were able to give offspring. In addition to them, you can see another 50 species of mammals. Of these, roe deer, noble deer, wild boars, badgers, mice can be met without difficulty. Also here they found refuge for foxes, martens, wolves, brown bears, lynxes, forest cats, hares, proteins, ermines.

Skole Beskids Skole Beskids Skole Beskids Skole Beskids Skole Beskids Skole Beskids
Skole Beskids - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 49.083333
Longitude: 23.416667


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