Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway

In Dnepropetrovsk there is an amazing attraction for children - a children's railway, which allows children to get acquainted with railway professions. This railway for children was built one of the first in the USSR.

Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway

The infrastructure of the Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway was carried out only by children, and the final plan was approved by Komsomolians from the Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Transport Engineers. The construction of the road began in the spring in 1936, and already in July of that year it was put into operation, and the Komsomolans built it during their community work days. DZD is located in one of the most beautiful places in Dnepropetrovsk - in Globa Park, among other attractions and a pond. To conduct the railway, 2 tunnels 10 and 30 meters long had to be dug, and they named them after the great poets - Pushkin and Mayakovsky. There were also 2 stations, but one of the stations after the occupation of the Germans was destroyed.

At that time, the Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway was the most advanced technologies: loudspeakers, their telegraph, and traffic control center. Unfortunately, during the occupation, the Germans destroyed almost the entire attraction: they took off their rails, burned down stations, steam locomotives and wagons. After the war, in order to make up the fleet of steam locomotives, a 159-series engine was brought, and in turn, UP-3-01, and another 6 cars were designed at the steam engine plant in Dnepropetrovsk. By the way, one of these cars stands like monuments at the entrance. Later, the era of diesel locomotives came, and in 1958 a diesel locomotive TU2-172 arrived in the DZD, and another 3 Pafawag wagons.

Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway

There were plans for the development of the road, but restructuring made its adjustments, during which the depot and platform were dismantled. Therefore, the railway now does not have intermediate stations, and the train moves without stopping. At the Pioneer station there is a duty room for the station, study rooms, a cash desk, a waiting room. In general, over 700 people hone their skills on the children's railway. The road for the winter holidays and the period from May to October is fully functioning. The rest of the time, only theoretical activity passes.

Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway
Dnipropetrovsk Children's Railway - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.45
Longitude: 34.983333


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