Dwingelderveld National Park

Dwingelderveld – is a national reserve that belongs to the Netherlands. It is located in one of the provinces called Drente. The main goal of organizing a protected area – is to save the Dwingelderveld wasteland, the largest in all of Western Europe. The national park has dimensions of about 38 km2. It is considered the very first protected area of the whole country. This area received the status of a national reserve in 1991.

Dwingelderveld National Park

Tourists have chosen Dwingelderveld long before the creation of the reserve, who came here to admire the beauty of local landscapes.

Near the Dwingelderveld National Park there are several ancient villages with the names Lei, Dvingeloo, Kraloo and others. The plot of land between the villages themselves – is the very famous park. A little earlier, beekeeping was actively engaged here, and even the extraction of some minerals was ongoing.

Dwingelderveld National Park

It was precisely because of the invasion of mankind on this land that a reserve was created, because once there were dense forests, and today, as you know, wastelands.

The components of the Dwingelderveld reserve are small lakes that divide the hills of sand among themselves, which are overgrown with juniper and other vegetation. Local water bodies feed mainly on rainwater, and sometimes, on time, become white due to the algae that blooms in them.

And only thanks to some human activity do the wastelands not overgrow, because they play a large role in local agriculture, as they are used in the form of pastures.

The Dwingelderveld Nature Reserve is famous for the large number of butterflies that live here. In spring and summer, a variety of flowering flowers lures into the park. At this hour, you can see blue bitterness, pink erika and many other beautiful field colors.

To preserve a large variety of butterflies in the reserve, local workers are focused on saving wasteland, for which they use the methodology of agricultural work of our great-grandfathers.

To date, there are close 580 species of plants in Dwingelderveld Park. Many butterflies circle over carpets of various colors, and there is even a feeling when you watch this picture that they have flocked here from all over the country. There are also snakes in the reserve, among which is a median, a viper, and already. As for mammals, roe deer appear as their striking example, who carelessly roam the herd of approximately 400 individuals. The shores of the lakes are filled with nests of at least ten species of birds.

Dwingelderveld National Park Dwingelderveld National Park Dwingelderveld National Park Dwingelderveld National Park Dwingelderveld National Park Dwingelderveld National Park
Dwingelderveld National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 52.816667
Longitude: 6.4


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