French Fry Museum

The Museum of French Fries is located in Bruges. The townspeople believe that it is unlikely that anywhere else in the world one can learn so many useful things about the root vegetable that is familiar to many. The attraction is located in premises that were formed by 2 historically significant houses in the 15th and 16th centuries. The Genoa trade mission used to operate in one of them. Merchants lived here, and from here they traded with other countries.

French Fry Museum

History of the Museum of French Fries

Before opening, both buildings underwent a thorough reconstruction both inside and outside the facades. Members of the Van Belle family are considered to be the founders of the Museum of French Fries. The head of the Edd family was a knight of the Order of the Golden Cone (in Belgium there are a huge number of all kinds of orders, awards are received by different citizens of the country for various achievements). Van Beley are the founders of several other museums, for example, the Chocolate Museum and the Lamp Museum.

It’s amazing how many diverse and fascinating exhibits they managed to collect in a museum dedicated to French fries. Passing from one hall to another, visitors get acquainted with the history of the discovery of potatoes. The discoverers were the Peruvian Indians. Next, you can learn about the varieties and types of root vegetables, as well as how they came to Europe. You can track his path using a huge globe, which is located in one of the halls of the museum.

French Fry Museum

Description of the Museum of French Fries

Another room tells about the important role of potatoes: having appeared in Europe, they quickly became one of the main products available to both members of the nobility and the poorest peasants. A large exhibition is dedicated to the history of French fries. It was in Belgium that this worldwide popular dish was invented. In one of the not very successful years, this happened in the middle of the 18th century. During the cold winter, all the reservoirs in the vicinity of a small village froze. And then the locals came up with the idea of cutting potatoes into bars and deep-frying them. There is no historical evidence of the event, but the Belgians are sure that everything was exactly like this and the famous dish was invented on their land.

The Museum of French Fries displays all kinds of devices for cleaning, slicing and preparing French fries; they amaze with their variety and designs. At the end of the exciting excursion, all guests are invited to visit a small cafe where they serve one French fries prepared according to one of the best recipes.

The Museum of French Fries is recommended for visiting by everyone who is not indifferent to potatoes and the various ways of preparing them; it definitely deserves attention, and guests will learn a lot of interesting and useful things in it.

French Fry Museum French Fry Museum
French Fry Museum - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.21109
Longitude: 3.22393


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