
Yala – the oldest reserve in Sri Lanka, which is located on the colorful coast of the Indian Ocean. This natural tourist land occupies 978 km2. He is constantly visited by tourists, despite the fact that at least 290 km to the nearest large city.


Yala National Park is known under the same name – Ruhun Park, since previously this territory belonged to the kingdom of Ruhun. Only the remnants of various ancient buildings remind us of the former civilization in our time.

It is in the park that travelers have the opportunity to watch the amazing wild life of animals, as well as the colorful nature of the island. The magnificent landscape of the Yala natural park is made up of very wild forests, savannahs, mountainous terrain and numerous water bodies that are present throughout the territory.


The fauna of the reserve is quite diverse, the representatives of which feel very good in the natural habitat. Here you can meet flocks of monkeys, huge elephants, as well as buffaloes, boars and even predatory crocodiles. Some representatives of the animal world belong to the red book, among which is Ceylon Leopard. Moreover, this animal lives only in Sri Lanka. There are also a large number of feathered, various insects, turtles that are unique and not fixed anywhere else.

Especially for visitors to Yala Park, there is a campsite. Traditionally, the territory of the park undergo various excursions, during which you can observe the life of local animals, as well as amazing natural landscapes. At night, local animals, not afraid, walk under the houses of tourists themselves.

The easiest way to get acquainted with the natural world of the reserve is Safari. Such trips are organized by small groups, about 6 people each. Usually safari spend several hours, if such a fascinating walk takes place for the whole day, then it includes lunch on the beach of the park. Often safari are organized from the closest village called Tissamaharama.

Yala Park will especially appeal to true connoisseurs of natural beauty, as well as lovers of ecological tourism.

Yala Nation Park Yala Nation Park Yala Nation Park Yala Nation Park Yala Nation Park Yala Nation Park
Yala - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 6.503552
Longitude: 81.433634


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