Amboseli National Park

Ambosely is Kenya's National Park in Rift Valley. Park occupies 392 km2 and also located in the middle of a huge ecosystem with an area of 3000 km2, located in 2 countries - Kenya and Tanzania. The National Park lies 240 km from the capital of Nairobi and is one of the three most visited places in the country, along with the Masai-Mara Nature Reserve and Lake Nakuru. All this thanks to the wonderful landscapes of the park, which complement the view of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Amboseli National Park

Of the Europeans, Joseph Thomson was the first to visit these places in 1883, entering the Empusel region ( from the Masai language translates as "salt dust" ). He was struck by the diversity of animals and birds, the contrast that dried lakes and oases with swamps create. Ashes from the eruptions of the Kilimanjaro volcano donkey in the central part of Amboseli Park, making the soil almost dry and unsuitable for plant life. But there is not only harm from the volcano, because melting snow from the mountain flows down to the plain, because of which many areas of Amboseli have lush vegetation, in some even swamps formed.

Amboseli National Park is a territory of the Masai tribe that greatly value nature. In 1974, when the land became a reserve, the Kenyan authorities tried to kick the tribe out, but tried not very hard, so the Masai tribe village can also be found in our time. Visiting this village is part of many park excursions.

Amboseli National Park

Among hunters there is the concept of "Big African Five" - 5 of the most honorable animals, trophies from which many hunters who come to Africa try to get. If the hunter collected all 5 trophies, then they say that he received a "big helmet". All animals of the five live in Ambosely: leopard, elephant, buffalo, lion, rhino. In addition to them, you can easily meet herds with zebras, gimpals, antelopes, gazelles, giraffes. In tree crowns, you can meet up to 300 species of birds, and the sky in search of falling furrows the baraboo vultures. The abundance of birds attracts bird lovers from all over the world. Ambosely is famous for its large herds of elephants, sometimes the number of herds reaches 600 individuals.

You can spend the night in the park at – lodges, or in a camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp. The closest city to Amboseli Park is Namanga, near the border of Tanzania and Kenya. From Nairobi to this city you can take a bus and Namanga to the park by taxi. In addition, the park itself has an airfield for light-engine aircraft.

Amboseli National Park Amboseli National Park Amboseli National Park Amboseli National Park Amboseli National Park Amboseli National Park
Amboseli National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -2.641389
Longitude: 37.248056


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