Tuileries Garden

The Tuileries Garden belongs to the largest parks in France, it is also considered the oldest garden in the whole world. The territory of the park is 25.5 hectares and is located in the very center of Paris.

Tuileries Garden

The Tuileries Garden was created in the 16th century, and many park creators take its unusual design as an example in our time. If we translate the name of the park into our language, we get an uncomplicated phrase that sounds like « a brick factory ». And this is not without reason, because the location of the Tuileries Garden is located on the territory of the quarry where the clay was mined, with which the tiles were produced.

In 1559. Ekaterina Medici ordered the construction of the Tuileri mansion in the area, which surrounded the excellent Italian-style garden. After some time, the garden was reincarnated, thanks to architect Andre Lonotra, who is the developer of Versailles. Behind his project there is also a wonderful Seine embankment, which complements the garden.

Tuileries Garden

Since the time of Louis XIV, the Tuileri Garden has become available to ordinary visitors. This area was loved by both the townspeople themselves and travelers from other countries. The territory of the park is successfully embellished by wonderful flower beds, green well-groomed grass lawns, water pools. The Tuilri Garden is filled with various paths, as well as wide alleys that smoothly pass into the famous streets of the Champs Elyceum or Rivoli.

In the XVIII century, various stalls with souvenirs, benches for relaxation, as well as cafes and toilets appeared on the territory of the Tuileries Garden. But still, after the death of Louis XIV himself, the garden was unnecessary for anyone, as it required a constant investment. And even the park architect himself, found his complete decline. And during the time of the revolution in the country, the local Tuilri Palace was burned.

Not very long ago, in 1989 a decree was issued, which dealt with the restoration of an urban attraction called the Tuilri Garden. At this time, all the details of the ancient design of the park are resumed, and modern sculptures are also created.

The Tuileries Garden is located away from the bustle of the city and noisy highways. Here you can safely dream in the shade or relax culturally, because on the territory of the garden there are a couple of museums that have been saved as the remains of the former palace. Wonderful galleries and greenhouseas also take place here.

The modern Tuileries Garden is becoming increasingly popular among tourists, and in speed - it will become on one step with the most famous symbols of France.

Tuileries Garden Tuileries Garden Tuileries Garden Tuileries Garden Tuileries Garden Tuileries Garden
Tuileries Garden - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.863611
Longitude: 2.326667


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