Gien Castle

In the Loire Valley in France, there is another remarkable architectural structure called Jien Castle. This area has always been heard, thanks to its chic hunting grounds. Thanks to the small royal hunting lodge, this wonderful castle of Gien arose here.

Gien Castle

Zhen Castle is a large building with windows facing the south side. Near the castle is the city with which the Loire River is adjacent. If you look from the castle into the distance, then an extensive countryside with amazing landscapes opens in the eye. The components of the palace complex are two buildings, with one of them opening the way to the river.

In the middle of the cozy courtyard there are three towers, the shape of which resembles an octagon. If you climb the tower up the spiral staircase, you can be in the middle of the square observation deck.

Gien Castle

Initially, the castle of Gien was at the disposal of the king. At the beginning of the 19th century, this complex began to belong to the department of the Loire. In 1952, a hunting museum of international importance was opened in the castle. Among the exhibits of the museum are collections, which are simply surprising. Here the guns are built in a certain order, which corresponds to the times when they were used.

In the huge hall on the second floor there is a wonderful collection of artworks by master Francois Deporte, which he did at the court of the king. Among the same room there is a delightful tapestry with a plot-ornamental composition. A wonderful decoration of the halls are the walls with red brick, as well as decorative fireplaces and various comfortable benches on which you can sit down to enjoy the presented artwork. Talented Deport often depicted storylines from the hunting life of his king, and also loved to paint his faithful dogs.

In addition to worthy artworks, Gien Castle has entire collections of various royal fasteners, of which there are about 5 thousand, as well as buttons. These accessories served for decorating hunter costumes.

What is the hunting museum without a collection of horns? Of course, more than 50 of them are collected here, the oldest of which are copies that relate to the rule of Louis XIV.

Zhen Castle from the Loire Valley will be interesting and informative for both lovers of the beautiful and lovers of hunting.

Gien Castle Gien Castle Gien Castle Gien Castle Gien Castle Gien Castle
Gien Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.685
Longitude: 2.631667


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