
Suomenlinna – is a Finnish fortress, or as it is still known Sveaborg ( from the Swedish name ). Bastion fortifications are located on the islands not far from Helsinki, which is the capital of Finland. Suomenlinna spread over the seven rocky islands that make up « Wolf Schermen ».


Fortress in Finland began to be erected in 1748. For forecasts, after four years its construction was supposed to be completed, but in fact it lasted for forty years. After such a long time, its founder, architect and naval officer Augustine Erensward, was unable to see the fortress in the form in which he planned. In the life of this man there were only two hobbies, which is the fleet and, of course, Sveaborg. In the fortress of Suomenlinna, he was buried in 1774.

Even today, the walls of the fortress amaze with their impregnability. For at least 100 years, Suomenlinna belonged to the Russian Empire. This could not but leave its mark on the appearance of the structure. Here, even in our time, you can meet the house of Russian merchants or Russian guns. In this territory, the Orthodox Church is not a curiosity.


Given the fact that Suomenlinna created reliable protection of the sea routes to Helsinki, the government in 1812 announced this city as the capital of the country.

Nowadays, Suomenlinna – is a populated area of Helsinki, where from 800 to 1000 people are listed. There is a sea route between the city and the fortress, thanks to which you can reach these islands in 15-20 minutes.

The fortress of Suomenlinna attracts tourists with its powerful defensive buildings, as well as souvenir shops and museums located here. The local tour is quite fascinating, the features of which are given by bridges that connect the islands among themselves.

All the attractions of the islands are defensive-military in nature, among which the museum is located quite unexpectedly, the exhibits of which are teddy bears, various dolls that were made many years ago.

On the islands, life flows like a river, various festivals, exhibitions and concerts are very often held here.

Suomenlinna Fortress – is an object that is under the protection of UNESCO.

Suomenlinna Suomenlinna Suomenlinna Suomenlinna Suomenlinna Suomenlinna
Suomenlinna - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 60.148056
Longitude: 24.986389


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