
The huge cliff Preikestolen is located in Norway, hanging over the sea lice of the Luse-fjord by more than 600 meters. This bay was created by nature about 10 thousand years ago. As a result of the retreat of glaciers, a large crack arose, after some time filled with water, where the depth reaches 422 meters. Prekestulen himself has a square flat peak of 625 m2.


Translated by Prekestulen denotes « Preacher's Chair ». He also received other names that sounds like « the » tribunal « or » the department <TAG1>.

Cliff Prekestulen was discovered in the 19th century, and since then it has not ceased to be a popular tourism destination. To this end, they arranged a special route along which several times a day the bus carries everyone who wants to taste this area.


You can climb a rock in the nearest car parking lot or mountain tourism association point, which can be reached by car, bus or ferry from the nearest city of Stavanger. The ride will be close an hour.

Despite the fact that you need to go only about 4 kilometers, climbing to the top of the cliff will take about two hours. The difficulty of lifting is that the trail does not rise and sinks once, in some places being very steep. Throughout the entire path of lifting, there are a wide variety of mountain landscapes with wooded terrain at the foot and mosses with lichens at the top.

Climbing, opens in the eye of the incredible beauty of the landscape of the surrounding area. At least no fences are missing upstairs. Therefore, you must abide by the safety rules and be as careful as possible. Standing on the edge of the plateau, it seems that Prekestulen is about to collapse. This feeling complements the educated gorge between the cliff and the mountain, the size of which is increasing every year. It is likely that the gorge will become the destruction of the cliff, and someday it will fall into the sea. Therefore, you should hurry to taste the famous Prekestulen cliff. Although this will happen only when seven brothers with seven sisters get married in one region of Norway. Another legend says that at the top of the cliff they committed executions and sacrifices.

Today Prekestulen is in demand among many travelers, hundreds of thousands come here every year. The fact that the cliff offers a beautiful view of the Kierag plateau, which is famous for the stone-tuned between the two rocks, is also of interest to tourists.

Fans of extreme sensations are offered baseball services that are carried out both with Prekestulen and with Kierag.

Preikestolen Preikestolen Preikestolen Preikestolen Preikestolen Preikestolen
Preikestolen - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 58.986111
Longitude: 6.188611


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