Mount Makalu

The peak of Mount Makalu, whose name translates as “Black Mountain,” is considered the fifth highest in the world. Due to its steep slopes and narrow ridges, it is recognized as the most difficult peak to conquer. Statistics show that less than 30% of expeditions achieve success. To date, 17 routes have been laid. The height of the rising peak is 8463 meters.

Mount Makalu

A few facts about Mount Makalu

The unique hill is located in the Himalayas, it is located partly in the territories of Nepal and China, and belongs to the Mahalangur-Himala mountain system. Mount Makalu is surrounded by the Sabha River from the south and is bordered by Everest from the west. It is washed from the east by the Arun River, and from the north by China.

Important facts:

Mount Makalu
  • Unique pyramidal top with four edges. There is a national park nearby.
  • Due to the very steep slopes, the snow cover does not linger on the top of Mount Makalu, so from a distance it appears black. That's why the locals gave it this name.
  • In the winter period from December 29, 2008 to February 14, 2009, climbers Denis Urubko and Simone Moro conquered Makalu.

The peak attracts the most daring and desperate climbers. However, as history shows, many conquerors died or disappeared without a trace.

Features of Makalu Peak

The territory of Mount Makalu is divided into several natural zones. The river valley extends to the 1 kilometer mark, after which an area of tropical forest appears. Dipterocarp forests also begin here. Coniferous vegetation grows from the 2.5 km mark. An altitude of 4 kilometers is the kingdom of fabulous alpine meadows.

Hard-to-reach places of glaciers and rocky areas begin at the 5-kilometer mark. The Himalayas are famous for their harsh climate. In winter, the temperature drops to -40 degrees, and in summer - to -25 degrees. Climbing the mountain is made difficult by hurricane winds, the speed of which reaches up to 150 km/h.

Reserved area

In the vicinity of the hill there is the Makalu-Barun National Park. This is one of the parts of another protected area, Sagarmatha. The area is 1148 km2 and belongs to the Sacred Himalayan Landscape natural area. Near the national park there are also the peaks of Chamlang (7321 m) and Mera 6476 meters.

Travelers are attracted by beautiful alpine meadows. On the territory of the national park there are 40 species of bamboo, 50 varieties of orchids, and primrose. The symbol of the country is the magnificent rhododendron, which can be found everywhere in protected areas.

Various forests are home to predators, herbivores and hundreds of butterflies. A rare animal lives here - the Temminka cat. The animal is considered a descendant of Kalimantan cats. The average length of the animal from nose to tip of tail is on average 95 centimeters. A mysterious place on earth, Mount Makalu annually attracts travelers with its legends and pristine nature.

Mount Makalu Mount Makalu Mount Makalu Mount Makalu Mount Makalu Mount Makalu
Mount Makalu - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 27.8892
Longitude: 87.0886


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