Kasanka National Park

Kasanka is one of the smallest national parks in Zambia and occupies only 390 km2. The park is notable for being managed by a private organization. The relief of Kasankee is predominantly flat, from the hills of Bvalya Bemba and Mpuluwe is worth noting.

Kasanka National Park

In the territory of Kasanka Park, there are 9 permanent lakes that surround the sailed Miombo forest, which occupies almost 70% of the park. Miombo forests form a curtain over vegetation, but due to frequent fires, trees burn out, opening the way for young seedlings. Kasanka Park has several fairly large rivers: Luvoba, Mulembo, Kasanka, Mulaushi and the marshy river Musola. The swamps were mostly overgrown with papyrus, among which are Sitatung's antelopes. Rivers and lakes are inhabited by many diverse fish, other forms of aquatic and semi-water wildlife.

The animal kingdom of the park is impressive, there are 108 species of mammals. Many animals were almost exterminated here, but effective measures to combat poaching allowed the restoration of the animal population. Now in herbal floodplains many varieties of antelopes, warthogs, monkey-evers graze, and there are often hippos in rivers. In addition, rare blue monkeys live in Kasanka Park. On endless savannahs, elephants, buffaloes, zebras graze. Of the predators, only leopards are constantly found here, lions and jackals sometimes cross the territory of the park. The park has a rich ornithofauna with 450 species of birds. These are from the best bird watching places.

Kasanka National Park

But the most attractive in Kasanka Park is not a herd of elephants and zebras, but the migration of fruit bats that arrive here in early October. By mid-November, the concentration of bats reaches 8 million. The arrival of bats usually coincides with the beginning of the first rains and the ripening of many local berries that bats feed on. A huge number of mice attract air predators hunting them in the air. The same mice that unsuccessfully land on the ground or water, are eaten by leopards and crocodiles. It is best to watch mice at dusk or at dawn.

Since the creation of the park in 1972, much has been done to develop tourism infrastructure: roads have been built, measures are being taken to combat poachers, and 60 employees are watching the work of the park.

Kasanka National Park Kasanka National Park Kasanka National Park Kasanka National Park Kasanka National Park Kasanka National Park
Kasanka National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -12.583382
Longitude: 30.199


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