Caves of Jenolan

The amazing natural attraction of eastern Australia – the cave of Genolan – is located in the same reserve near the Blue Mountains. An extensive network of mountain crossings occupies more than 40 kilometers, but only 10 caves are open for tourists, however, this is enough to assess the power and beauty of natural creation.

Caves of Jenolan

The age of the cave complex is estimated at 340 million years. For a long time, the locals considered them the abode of the sacred giant eel, so there were no people wishing to explore the real underground city. Interest in the mountain complex was fully manifested only in the 40s of the XIX century, when the Wolan brothers pursued a thief who stole clothes and tools from them, and completely unexpectedly discovered the entrance to the dungeon. It is believed that the role of the discoverer belongs to James Wallan, who reported the opening to Charles, who was engaged in the study of underground passages. The third brother, Jeremiah, was appointed the first Guardian of the caves. True, this happened only in 1867.

By that time, the Jenolan caves were already completely open for inspection, so the inside of the mountain had a great deal of suffering from the influx of tourists ruthlessly breaking stalactites on souvenirs. The law on the prohibition of the collection of natural materials and the painting of walls entered into force only in 1872. The Gyegolan cave complex, open for inspection, required constant care, so that a Ghenolansky cave house was built near the central entrance, designed for spectators to live. Currently, the construction of 1898 has turned into a guest house where anyone can spend the night.

Caves of Jenolan

Today, the underground complex continues to explore speleologists, for tourists there is only a small segment of the studied transitions represented by caves:

  • Lucas, named after John Lucas, who was able to protect the cave complex from destruction immediately after its opening. Thanks to its beautiful acoustics and majestic atmosphere, artists and expensive wedding registrations are held here.
  • A river called from the water stream flowing here. Unusual rock formations « Minaret », « Baldakhin Koroleva », « The Great Column » are also located.
  • Chifley became the first cave to be provided with electricity. Today, the majestic hall is used as an unusual venue for various shows.
  • Imperial, famous for the fossils and bones of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth.
  • A tape whose name fully justifies itself. The trail most resembles a tape bizarrely laid on the ground.
  • Orient, representing tourists the opportunity to see the largest stalagmit education. For a long time you could get into this part of the complex only with the help of a boat plying on the river, today you can go through it through the failure in the mountain.
  • Zerber's pool washed by the course of underground Styx. In the cave is located « Venera's bathhouse », and the walls are decorated with lovely white nipples of the Aragonites.
  • Anniversary, distinguished by the largest size. However, tourists rarely get there: the cave is located quite far from the usual route.
  • Temple of Baal, remarkable « Angel's wing »: a 9-meter snow-white shawl covering one of the walls of the room.
  • Beautiful, called because of the large amount of burning grass that closes the entrance to the cave. Currently, the track was raised there a bit so that plant burns do not bother tourists much. Unfortunately, the entrance to the cave is often closed due to stonefalls, so you can look at the inside of the cave by going down the stone steps from the parking lot. The cave boasts the Palace and the Devil's carriage, the Grand Arch.

You can get into the cave of Genolan as part of one-day tours organized from Sydney, Katumba, Canberra.

Caves of Jenolan Caves of Jenolan Caves of Jenolan Caves of Jenolan Caves of Jenolan Caves of Jenolan
Caves of Jenolan - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -33.820556
Longitude: 150.021389


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