Sequoia National Park

Sequoia - US National Park, formed back in 1890 on an area of 1635 km2. Previously, Sekvoyi Park, founded only the national parks Yellowstone and Makinak. In these parts, once the Cherokee Indians lived, so they decided to name the park in the name of the leader of the tribe. In the park itself, many finds have been preserved to this day, telling about the life of the Indians.

Sequoia National Park

During the excavations, it turned out that sequoias were distributed during the Jurassic period, occupying almost the entire Northern Hemisphere. Nowadays, this tree can only be met in South Oregon and California. Here is a suitable day for them climate - the winds drive fogs with a moisture to the coast, as well as hot weather. Due to this, sequoias grow to 100 meters, and the diameter is sometimes 12 meters. These trees have lived for 4000 years! Hunts in the park sometimes fire small fires, because the cones of this tree are opened only at high temperatures, because of this, fires are needed to grow new trees. Fire almost does not harm the trees, since only empty cavities burn out.

In the Sekvoy National Park is the largest tree in the world - General Sherman. In 2009, its height was almost 84 meters, and the volume of wood was 1487 m3. This tree grows in the Giant Forest, 5 of the 10 largest trees in the world in terms of wood are located there. The giant forest connects the dear Generals with the grove of Grant in the Kings Canyon National Park. In the grove is the second largest tree - the tree of General Grant. In the Giant Forest, wooden paths were built to prevent the trampling of rare plants, and it is also convenient to move along them with family couples with small children, wheelchair users and old people.

Sequoia National Park

About 250 caves were discovered in the park then, among which the longest is approximately 32 km. Of all this many caves, you can visit only the Crystal cave, which is the second largest cave.

In Sekvoyya Park, a rich animal world with 260 species of mammals, of which one and a half hundred are quite rare. Of the birds, the following predominate: quail, juices, woodpeckers, slaps, flytraps, swallows, thrush, you can even see white-headed eagles. From animals in forests, you can easily see proteins, rosoms, coyotes, skunk, foxes, rhizzes, deer, as well as black bears, which are quite a lot in the park and travelers often stumble upon them.

In the foothills, usually the climate reigns for California - a hot summer and with an almost snowless winter. At medium altitudes, the climate is more temperate with snowy winters. Local mountains are destroyed by the Kings River, named after the neighboring Kings Canyon National Park. At the tops of the mountains there are alpine meadows, which in winter are covered with a multi-meter layer of snow.

For the convenience of tourists in Sekvoyya Park, areas for picnics and campsites were arranged, roads and shops were held. For additional information, you can contact tourist centers, which are several here. Fans of outdoor activities can take a ski park, go snowshoeing in winter, go mountain climbing or even lower them on a stormy river by boat. It is best to visit the park from July to August. You can get to the park by bus or private car from the towns of Fresno and Visalia, and the fleet delivery service delivers tourists from Visalia to Sequoia. Drive to the park from these cities for about two hours.

Sequoia National Park Sequoia National Park Sequoia National Park Sequoia National Park Sequoia National Park Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 36.433333
Longitude: -118.683333


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