Cordoba Cathedral Mosque

The Cordoba Cathedral Mosque annually attracts more than 1.5 million tourists from different countries. The unique Roman Catholic Cathedral rises in the city of Cordoba. The grandiose complex combines Catholic and Muslim temples, Moorish and Renaissance architectural styles. The building is called a mosque-cathedral.

Cordoba Cathedral Mosque

A little history

Back in 600, a Visigothic church was built on the site of a Roman one. It is believed that it was called the "Temple of Janus". A little later it was converted into a mosque and destroyed in 711. In 785, Emir Abd ar-Rahman bought the land and built a mosque in honor of his wife. The temple was part of the palace chambers. In 844, attacking Vikings destroyed the mosque.

In 961, a new minaret already stood here, the mosque was significantly expanded, and the mihrab (a niche pointing to Mecca) was luxuriously decorated. Interestingly, it is not directed towards the east, where Mecca is located, but towards the south. According to legend, the mihrab points to the place where Abd ar-Rahman, who arrived from Damascus, came ashore.

Cordoba Cathedral Mosque

The Cordoba Cathedral Mosque underwent its last changes in 987. It became the best in comparison with others in the area. Each of the conquerors contributed to the architecture and decoration of the structure. Huge double arches were then a new architectural element. Striped arches are supported by hundreds of columns made of marble, granite, jasper, and onyx. The material for the columns was a destroyed Roman temple, and some were sent by the Byzantine emperor Leo in the 8th century.


Inside the mosque, next to the luxuriously decorated mihrab, there is an image of the Virgin Mary. In the Cordoba Cathedral Mosque, seemingly incompatible things are combined. The prayer niches of the mosque are richly decorated with gilding. The central dome is decorated with shining stars made of blue and gold mosaic tiles. In 1236, Cordoba submitted to the Spanish king Ferdinand of Castile. The mosque again became a Christian temple.

The Cordoba Cathedral Mosque was erected in the 16th century, when Bishop A. Maurique decided to build a Christian temple right inside the Muslim mosque. Until the end of the 18th century. The Cordoba Cathedral Mosque continued to change its appearance through the efforts of Spanish monarchs, architects and craftsmen. The choirs are made of expensive mahogany and decorated with scenes from the life of St. Mary and biblical stories. This is the original work of the artist P. D. Cornejo. The painting of the temple was done by A. Palomino. His work “The Assumption of the Mother of God” is especially impressive. The main altar (retablo) of the Cordoba Cathedral Mosque was made of expensive Kabra marble in 1618.

Additional information

There are several chapels next to the mosque. One of them is Villaviciosa, the first Catholic chapel. Alfonso XI and Ferdinand IV were once buried in the Royal Chapel, but their bodies were later reburied in the Church of San Isidoro. Currently, access to the chapel is closed to visitors.

The treasury is of great value. It is filled with bowls, crucifixes, various ritual objects made of the purest silver and gold, and inlaid with precious stones. The courtyard of the complex is called Orange. Magnificent palm trees, cypresses, olives and citrus trees grow here. There are 5 fountains in the courtyard so that the faithful can perform the obligatory ablution. Numerous tourists throw coins at them.

The courtyard is decorated with a magnificent tower, which was once a minaret and is now a bell tower. On it stands a statue of the Archangel Michael, the patron saint of Cordoba. Under the tower there are the "Doors of Forgiveness".

Cordoba Cathedral Mosque occupies a huge area. The walls enclose a space of 145 x 200 m. The height of the dome is more than 20 m. The mosque is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Cordoba Cathedral Mosque Cordoba Cathedral Mosque Cordoba Cathedral Mosque Cordoba Cathedral Mosque Cordoba Cathedral Mosque Cordoba Cathedral Mosque
Cordoba Cathedral Mosque - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 37.878865
Longitude: -4.779342


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