Trsteno Arboretum

Trsteno Arboretum is one of the oldest dendrarians in the world, located in Croatia. The park is a 15-minute drive from Dubrovnik.

Trsteno Arboretum

Dendrarii was erected as a place to relax in the late 15th century by the Guectić-Gotsse family. The exact date of construction is unknown, but in 1492 there was already an aqueduct for irrigation of plants. To expand his collection of plants, the head of the family asked the captains of the ships to bring him plant seeds from long-distance travel. Thanks to this, the garden boasts a large collection of plants and trees more than half a century from around the world and even hummingbird birds. Some trees in height exceed 50 meters, and the diameter is 5 meters.

In 1945, the park became Yugoslav property, and in 1948 dendrarias were presented by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 1962, put on the list of protected natural monuments as a monument of landscape architecture. Under protection is 25 hectares of the territory of the garden, divided into several areas: park area, olive grove, areas with sea views, pavilions. The main symbol of the garden is a fountain with a statue to God Neptune. Also in the dendrariya is a butterfly, a small chapel, an old aqueduct, walking along the paths you can climb a mountain with a gazebo.

Trsteno Arboretum

It was here that episodes of the series "Games of Thrones" were filmed". Dendrarii was the royal gardens in the Red Castle, the residence of the king of the Andals and the first people in the Royal Harbor.

Trsteno Arboretum Trsteno Arboretum Trsteno Arboretum Trsteno Arboretum Trsteno Arboretum Trsteno Arboretum
Trsteno Arboretum - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 42.716667
Longitude: 17.983333


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