Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

Chapada dos Veadeiros is a national park in Brazil and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is an ancient plateau, whose age is 1.8 billion years.

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

The Shapada dos Veadeirus Park is located in Goias and occupies 655 km2. It was founded on January 11, 1961. The height of the plateau on which the park is located varies from 600 to 1650 m above sea level. It is the highest plain in Central Brazil. The dominant mountain peak is Serra da Santana ( 1691 m ). The mountains are folded by quartz, in some places there is a exposure of crystals. There are a large number of waterfalls, the largest of which is Rio Preto Falls, 120 meters high.

Among tourists is the Lunar Valley. The area gives the impression: this is an incredible bizarre shape of a mountain maze. He formed naturally. The San Miguel River exudes quartz rocks and as a result they now hang over its shores. In the rocks, rounded hole forms were formed, filled with water — this detail gives the Moon Valley a resemblance to the Moon: they really resemble lunar craters. In general, the shape of the rocks here gives rise to fade of fantasy. Many of them are like figures of animals and birds. Especially popular with tourists of the Turtle Rock. Here you can find the fossils of ancient plants and animals. Many attribute miraculous properties to the rocks and come to Lunar Valley to energize.

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

The plant world of the Shapada-dus-Vaadeyrus park is represented by numerous residents of wooded savannah, which is the Shapada-dus-Vaadeirus mountain system. Among local plants, special attention is paid to orchids, of which about 25 species are found in the park. Palm trees, pepper trees are also largely common. The fauna of the Shapada-dus-Vaadeirus region is bright and motley. Here, militant jaguars, swamp deer, tapirs, armadillo-bearers live in large numbers. Among the birds in the park, the vast majority behind the toucans and vultures.

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park
Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -14.083333
Longitude: -47.666667


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