Zion National Park

Zion - US National Park, spread its ownership of 593 km2. The main feature of the park is the Zion Canyon, 25 km long and a depth of reaching 900 meters. The canyon formed under the influence of the Virginia River, which washed the sandstone.

Zion National Park

The canyon was discovered by Mormons in 1858 and soon settled. Having understood the value of these places, in 1909 the territory was declared the national monument of Mukuntuvip, but after nine years it got its current name. In 1919, the monument received the status of a national park, and in 1956 the Kolob canyon was added to the park.

The Kanyons of Kolob and Zayon began to form more than 150 million years. Under the influence of small seas that left their deposits here. About 12 million years ago, the Colorado plateau rose about 3 kilometers. The highest point of the park is the Mount Horse Ranch, with a height of 2660 meters, the lowest point is 1120 meters above sea level.

Zion National Park

Before the creation of the Zayon National Park, there was no tourism infrastructure here. But already in 1910 they began to rebuild the railway into the road, and by 1917 the first road to the Zion canyon appeared here. The length of the road was 10 km and it ended in the Sinavava temple ( Sinavawa - an Indian god in the skin of a coyote ). Walking trails in the Zayon Narrows Gorge are already beginning near the temple. Since then, the flow of tourists has only increased, in 1920 these places were visited by 3692 tourists, and by 2000 the flow of tourists reached 2.5 million people, becoming one of the most popular national parks in the country, along with Grand Canyon Park. To protect the environment from April to October, any traffic other than special buses is prohibited on the road. Buses deliver tourists to all important points of the park. In November - March, you can travel through the park by private transport.

It is difficult to find a place in the USA comparable in size and beauty to the Zion National Park. Here the sky is extraordinary pure, and the landscapes that open in the eye amaze with their beauty. Both deserts and forest territories are found in the park, due to such diversity, a unique animal and plant world has developed here. In Zion Park, you can find almost 300 varieties of birds, 75 species of mammals and 32 species of reptiles. From animals, deer, mountain lions, condors and golden eagles often come across.

For tourists there are many hiking trails with different difficulty levels. Every year, hundreds of tourists come here to take a walk along the dangerous Nerrous trail - a canyon area near the Virginia River. The river carved a insanely beautiful canyon, and the tour here seems unforgettable. Another trail leads to Mount Angels Landing. Many tourists seek to climb this mountain and sometimes accidents occur due to the difficulty of climbing, but those who open up for views of the Zion canyon are worth it.

From entertainment from March to October, visitors are available: cycling and horses, as well as mountaineering.

Zion National Park Zion National Park Zion National Park Zion National Park Zion National Park Zion National Park
Zion National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 37.3
Longitude: -113.05


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