Wave Rocks

The wave is a natural gallery of sand and rocks, located along the border of the states of Utah and Arizona in the USA, in relative proximity to the famous US parks – Grand Canyon Park, Zion National Park. This place is known among travelers and photographers due to its colorful, hilly forms.

Wave Rocks

About 200 million years ago, instead of the Rock Wave, there was a sand desert with huge dunes that the wind carried from one place to another. Later, these layered dunes became rocks, for millions of years, refined erosion to smoothness. Amazing overflows of flowers create minerals oxidized under the influence of groundwater – manganese and iron. Thin white stripes, cutting rocks – is calcite, or lime spat.

Because of their fragility, it is very difficult to get inside the gallery. Excursions through the Wave rocks are limited to 20 people per day. 20 tickets for the tour are allocated daily. 10 tickets are played on the Internet 2-3 months before the tour, other 10 tickets are played in the morning before the tour. Photographers from all over the world come here to hold a unique photo session. The most suitable time for a photo session is noon and an hour before noon, since there are no shadows at this time.

Wave Rocks
Wave Rocks Wave Rocks Wave Rocks Wave Rocks Wave Rocks Wave Rocks
Wave Rocks - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 36.996067
Longitude: -112.006083


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