Khao Yai National Park

Khao Yai is a Thai national park established in 1962. Occupies an area of 2168 km2, being the second largest park in the country. The Lanshaft of the park is diverse, including evergreen forests and meadows. Height ranges from 400 to 1000 meters. In 2005, the park was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Khao Yai National Park

In the Khauyai National Park, picturesque waterfalls. 80 meter waterfalls of Heo Narok and Haeo Suvat became known worldwide thanks to the film "Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio. Khauyai Park must be visited during the rainy season from June to August, when the rivers are most full and gaining full strength vegetation. The rest of the time, waterfalls will not seem so beautiful.

Excursions are held in Khauyai, during which you can better learn the wild. And in the park there is something to see, the current of some plants is higher than 3000 species, the park will be interesting for feathered lovers, of which there are 320 species. Also, 67 species of mammals are recorded in the park, among which the most interesting will be: Himalayan bears, Indian elephants and zombars, gaura, tigers, deer of the mouth, wild boars, porcupines.

Khao Yai National Park

The park has a well-developed tourist infrastructure, the length of some current hiking trails totals over 50 km. But to inspect the entire park - you should rent a car, or sign up for one of the safari car tours. During the trip, you can get acquainted with the nightlife of the inhabitants of the park: deer, elephants, monkeys. In the Khauyai National Park, you should visit caves in which a huge number of bats live, as well as other nightly inhabitants. How correctly the price of the tour includes food and fresh fruit, stops at waterfalls and observation platforms.

Khao Yai National Park Khao Yai National Park Khao Yai National Park Khao Yai National Park Khao Yai National Park Khao Yai National Park
Khao Yai National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 14.441389
Longitude: 101.369722


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