Copacabana Beach

Copacabana – Brazilian beach in Rio de Janeiro, located on the Atlantic coast and world famous because of the length of its coastline. The length of the Copacabana coastline, the shape of which resembles a crescent, is 4 km, the width – is approximately 100 m. The beach is 5 km from the city center and is popular and in demand among tourists year-round: several thousand people visit it daily.

Copacabana Beach

The history of Copacabana Beach

Until the 17th century, there was an uninhabited desert on the site of the world famous beach. Then the migrants began to slowly settle in it, and over time a simple fishing village grew in the area. This countryside ( Sapupenapana ) lived its life and was separated from Rio de Janeiro by the mountain Vila Rika. But in 1982, a tunnel was broken through the mountain and a tram was launched that united the Kopakabana area with Rio. The secluded life of fishermen quickly ended: the rapid development and development of this territory began, and in 1906 the beach was ready to open. By the way, mosaic waves – black and white patterns on its boulevard – later became one of the symbols of the country.

The promenade was expanded in 1919, in 1923 the world-famous « Palace Hotel » was opened, and in the 30s and 50s Copacabana became a favorite place of residence and relaxation of the Brazilian bohemia, elites and Beaumonda: artists, actors, musicians, writers, politicians, businessmen.

Copacabana Beach

What is interesting on Copacabana Beach

Copacabana – a luxurious shore with fine white sand, wide and comfortable. They rest, sunbathe, walk and play sports, meet friends, and have picnics. Tourists are delighted with the figures from the sand, which local craftsmen master right on the beach.

The incredibly beautiful raging ocean amazes with its beauty. The water in it is transparent and very salty. But the usual phenomenon for Copacabana – high foaming waves, sometimes reaching 3 meters, make swimming unpleasant and even dangerous. But surferists consider this beach a paradise. It really often upsets lovers of swimming: even in a strong heat, the current often brings cold water to the shore, so its temperature rarely exceeds 22-23 degrees. Very often, people simply stand along the coast and watch the waves from a safe distance. Crossing the surf is prohibited: swimming without the help of rescuers is not easy even for experienced swimmers.

The reverse side of Copacabana

Even at night, life on Copacaban does not freeze: active games and festivities continue day and night, as the beach is well covered. It has a variety of eateries, restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, nightclubs and other entertainment venues, which, of course, is in the hands of criminals, beggars and pickpockets who constantly travel in the territory of Krpakabana. Despite the huge number of police officers patrolling the beach and its surroundings day and night, today it belongs to the twenty most dangerous beaches in the world. Sharks – big and serious trouble. There are robberies, kidnapping, the distribution of narcotic substances, violence and fights, pimping and even seizing ships by sea bandits. In addition, a huge number of mafiosi and drug dealers live in the Kopakabana area.

Recordesman Beach

Copacabana is the largest music venue played by famous musicians. The two most famous concert performances – Rod Start's concert ( 1994 ) and the performance of the group « Rolling Stones ». Rod Stewart gathered more than 4 million people at his free concert, which for the scale of the event was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. And in 2006, a concert of the group « The Rolling Stones » took place on the beach: more than 2 million fans came to listen to the team.

Copacabana Beach Copacabana Beach Copacabana Beach Copacabana Beach Copacabana Beach Copacabana Beach
Copacabana Beach - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -22.967028
Longitude: -43.180694


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