Ao Phang Nga National Park

Phang Nga - The Gulf of Andaman Sea is located in the back of Thailand, 87 km from the popular among travelers, Phuket Island. Its area is 400 km2. and represents 40 different islands, sent by limestone mountains and sandy shores. It was announced by the national park in 1981 by decree of the king.

Ao Phang Nga National Park

The sea in the territory of Ao Phang Nga Park is not deep, and the waves do not even reach the metro level, which is why it can be visited all year round, but still, the best time for an excursion from November to April, when the sky is sunny and the water in the sea is calm and transparent.

This area of tourists beckons its rich sea landscapes, as well as unique hidden lagoons that can be visited during the low tide. The most famous among tourists – are the islands of Khao Ping Kahn and Ko Tapu Park. The first consists of two rocks, which are interconnected by a sand isthmus, in one of which a large crack is visible. Caves are located on its territory, as well as two beautiful beaches, not a small space of which, at high tide, is under water. The name of the other place visited by Koh Tapu literally means wedge or nail, as indicated by its unusual shape. But the fame of these places of the reserve Phang Nga gave not only their picturesque terrain, but also a very popular film in which James Bond « A man with a gold pistol » was shot. After the release of the premiere in 1974 on a blue screen, many tourists wanted to taste the unusual beauty of the island with their caves, hidden lagoons, golden sand and clear water, and also walk the earth where one of the most successful films in the history of cinema was shot. It is the island of Ko Tapu among the people that bears the name « James Bond ».

Ao Phang Nga National Park

The natural historical landmark of Ao Phang Nga Park is also the Khao Khien Cave with its elementary drawings on the rocks in the form of marine animals, which are 3,000 years old. The island of Ko Panai is famous for its village, where close 500 families live. Residents' houses are subjected to frequent flooding, so they built them on large stilts and laid bridges between them. This village is a great place for a wonderful dinner with seafood, as part of the houses are bought up for unusual restaurants, cafes. The island of Ko Thalu and the island of Tham Lot are land with large mountains with limestone. In their middle is a cave, inside which a boat easily swims.

Water plants, evergreen, mangroves represent the flora of Ao Phang Nga Park. The animal world in this zone is very rich in various nourishes, both terrestrial and marine. Here live the rarest types of dolphins – park. There are about 120 birds, among which there are rare species. 26 species of reptiles live in the reserve. A rich diverse underwater world is actively luring divers from all over the planet. In Thailand, which among travelers is considered the most interesting, only on some islands can you find the harmony of the soul with nature. The fact is that the Ao Phang Nga National Park is hosting more and more tourists every year. Local authorities are concerned about such influxes of travelers and are doing everything possible to preserve the pristine beauty of nature.

Ao Phang Nga National Park Ao Phang Nga National Park Ao Phang Nga National Park Ao Phang Nga National Park Ao Phang Nga National Park Ao Phang Nga National Park
Ao Phang Nga National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 8.25
Longitude: 98.6


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