Kungur Ice Cave

Kungur Ice Cave is a wonderful attraction in Russia. It is one of the largest karst caves in the whole world and is the most popular place of the Urals. The location of the Kungur cave – is Perm Territory, the village of Filippovka on the banks of the Sylva River.

Kungur Ice Cave

The cave is about 5700 meters long, but only 1.5 km of the opportunity to visit tourists is provided, since this area is specially equipped. The Kungursky cave owns at least 50 grottoes, as well as 70 water bodies. There are also 146 mines that stretch almost to the surface and are called « » orgat pipes <TAG1>. In the middle of the cave there is a very high humidity, which is 100%, the local air temperature, about 5 degrees Celsius.

According to scientists, the cave has about 12 thousand years. She has many mysterious stories and legends.

Kungur Ice Cave

The first documentary evidence of the existence of the Kungur cave dates back to 1703, when the famous geographer Semyon Remezov was sent here with his son to describe the local lands and draw up a detailed drawing. Together they drew a cave plan, and also developed a map of the entire county, indicating the path to the huge lake in the dungeon. Other works have been discovered where it comes to the area. It is known that the cave was visited in 1736 by V.N. Tatishchev, who mentioned her in one of his works, also drew up a reliable plan of underground passages, which in our time, is a pity, lost. In subsequent years, many works were written on the Kungur cave, as well as its underground passages and water bodies. In Soviet times, an expedition was put forward here more than once to explore the underground maze, and later a scientific hospital was founded near the cave itself, where famous researchers worked. They discovered more than one grotto and more than one lake, which subsequently became available to the eyes of tourists.

From the middle of the 19th century, the first curious tourists began to visit the Kunkur cave. One of the first excursions was conducted by the locals of the surrounding village, now known as Filippovka. But every year the influx of tourists increased in 1969, the Kungur bureau was opened here, which was engaged in excursions and travels.

On average, 80 thousand people visit this natural attraction in Russia annually. For a wonderful pastime and an exciting tour in the Kungur cave, a whole tourist complex has been built, which accommodates a hotel, restaurant and, of course, a car park.

Excursion trips are quite diverse. A special memorable tour is that accompanied by a fascinating laser show. In such campaigns you can find out many stories, as well as the legends endowed with the Kungur cave.

In the middle of the Kungur cave you can arrange a romantic evening or celebrate the wedding celebration. Such a wedding will certainly be remembered for life not only for the newlyweds, but for all guests.

Kungur Ice Cave Kungur Ice Cave Kungur Ice Cave Kungur Ice Cave Kungur Ice Cave Kungur Ice Cave
Kungur Ice Cave - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 57.440278
Longitude: 57.007222


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