Tiger Temple

The full name of the Tiger Temple is Wat Pa Luangta Bua Yanasampanno. According to statistics, more than 600 tourists visit this place every day. A very exciting place where all travelers arriving in Thailand want to go. The temple is looked after by local monks. In addition to the 16 tigers that are currently in the temple, there are also other animals: horses, peacocks, buffaloes and curious monkeys.

Tiger Temple

History of the Tiger Temple

It started with one little tiger cub back in 1999. The rector of the temple at that time was Phra Achanu; a local resident brought him a predator who was left without parents. The monks fought desperately for the life of the animal, but they could not save him. After some time, two more wounded and exhausted tiger cubs were brought to the shrine. Poachers were hunting near the temple grounds, and the tiger cubs were taken out of a trap. Then they brought three more animals, so soon the tiger cubs were born.

After visiting the Tiger Temple, you can see a stone canyon along which tigers walk. Some animals can be petted. Tigers living in a protected area do not know how to hunt; they are not adapted to life in the wild. The best time to visit the attraction is considered to be in the afternoon.

Tiger Temple

General information about the temple and animals

Currently, a special island has been made for tigers where they live. Until 2011, animals were kept in cages. For the comfort of tigers, a territory of a thousand acres is now being developed, where they can live and breed freely, almost in their natural environment. Predators in the Tiger Temple eat cat food and white meat. Chicken should never be served raw. This can provoke aggression because the blood contained in raw meat is presented as food.

The trip from Bangkok to the Tiger Temple takes about two hours. There are special donation boxes throughout the temple. Anyone who wants to support this place can contribute there as well. The monks explain that maintaining one tiger costs approximately one hundred dollars a day. Guests of the reserve can play with little tiger cubs and also try feeding them from a baby bottle. The origin of the striped predators in the Tiger Temple is unknown, as there is no special DNA support program. This is an impressive, wonderful and unusual place that gives a lot of positive emotions.

Tiger Temple - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 14.115833
Longitude: 99.231389


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