Bashkiriya National Park

Bashkiriya National Park was founded in 1986. The national park is located on the southwestern slopes of the South Urals, west of the Uraltau water distribution ridge, on the lands of 3 managerial districts: Meleuzovsky, Kugarchinsky, Burzyan.

Bashkiriya National Park

The exclusivity and beauty of the national park « Bashkiria » is that it is located at the junction of the ski area and fields. In addition, there is a line between the biogeographic zones of Europe and Siberia. National Park « Bashkiria » was created to preserve the unique natural complex of mountain forests and create the prerequisites for the development of tourism. On the east side, the park is adjacent to the « Shulgan-Tash » nature reserve. The total area of the park is 832 km2, including 250 km2 – the area of the Nugush reservoir.

The mountains of the South Urals arose over 250 million years ago. During which the mountains were subjected to powerful destruction under the influence of tectonic forces, and transformed into a plateau. The park has a large number of rivers. When raising the mountains, the rivers destroyed the valleys, laying a new channel for themselves, later which the nature of the mountains became diverse and added charm and beauty to the rail. The landscape is divided by river valleys, some rivers formed deep canyons with large protrusions of bizarre forms: "Sphinx", "Damn Finger", "Castle", "Nos Utka". Rivers such as Belaya, Nugush, Kuzh, Uryuk - are saturated due to snow and rain and groundwater. Some rivers go underground, forming a limestone cavity.

Bashkiriya National Park

In the Bashkiria National Park, many places are worth paying attention to. Among them is the karst bridge « Kuperlya », whose name was given by the river of the same name that created the bridge for many millions of years. Blurring the limestone underground, Cooper formed a large cavity, which later collapsed, leaving the isthmus 35 meters long and about a meter wide.

Another example of the painstaking work of the rivers is Urochishka Kutuk - a padina bounded by the Yaman-Tau and Kibiz ridges, as well as the Nugush and Belaya rivers. A tract of paradise for a speleologist. It has more depressions, hairs, more than 30 caves, arches, wells, springs, dashes, karst tunnels. One of the valuable places is the Sumgan-Kutuk cave, the Kutuk-Sumgan, Kuk-Kul, and Lake Kuk-Kul. Sumgan Cave strikes with its stone arches and scale. The longest underground palace of the Urals. The total length of the moves – 9860 meters, and the depth – 134 meters. Caves amaze with their beauty, attracting more and more tourists to themselves. But still, it is better to go down to the caves in full equipment and along with a guide.

The flora of the Bashkiria National Park consists mainly of broad forest forests. Due to its obstruction, centuries-old trees in which they hide have survived in the center of the park. In places there are pine forests. In the park there are over 750 species of plants, among which 40 are on the verge of extinction, more than 225 species of birds, almost all animals of the Urals are also found, among which you can often see: burych bears, wolves, protein, lynx, chipmunks, ondatra, roe deer, moose, ermines, martens, ropes, badgers. In rivers and in the reservoir you can easily catch pike, taimen, harius, zander.

In the national Bashkiria, more and more tourism is developing. Tourists are attracted by caves, picturesque forests, swift rivers. There are routes for speleologists to Kutuk tract. Also in the park there are horse and pedestrian routes. More than 30,000 people visit the park every year. Tourists are attracted by the Belaya River, the Nugush Reservoir, the Kutuk tract.

Bashkiriya National Park Bashkiriya National Park Bashkiriya National Park Bashkiriya National Park Bashkiriya National Park Bashkiriya National Park
Bashkiriya National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 53.05
Longitude: 56.533333


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