House of Music in Porto

The House of Music in Porto was built in 2005. This is another reminder that in Europe there are often musicians who play different instruments and sing, inspiring people with their creativity. The institution often hosts cultural events; here you can listen to performances by artists in high-quality acoustics.

House of Music in Porto

History of the House of Music in Porto

The decision to build it was made in 2001, when the city of Porto was chosen as the European Capital of Culture. This was the reason for holding a competition for the best building design. Various architectural studios presented their projects; the Dutchman Rem Koolhaas took first place in the competition.

The House of Music in Porto opened for guests on April 15, 2005. Professionals from Denmark worked on the interior design. The opening ceremony was attended by the President of Portugal. And the first person to perform there was Lou Reed. The design of the house can be called both wonderful and unusual. Architect Rem Koolhaas tried to come up with everything in such a way that not only visitors, but also ordinary passers-by would be satisfied.

House of Music in Porto

Features of the House of Music in Porto

If you are on the street, you will still be able to see exactly what is happening in both concert halls. Even if you don’t have time to go to a concert, or some other obstacles arise, you can enjoy the magnificent musical sound even just standing on the sidewalk.

The House of Music in Porto houses as many as three city orchestras: the National Orchestra, as well as the Baroque Orchestra and the Remix Ensemble. The building has two huge auditoriums. The first of them is designed for 1200 spectators, and the second for 350. But there are more than two halls in the House of Music in Porto. There are separate rooms where chamber performances are often held. On the top floor there is a restaurant for 150 guests. In addition, there is a cafe and an open-air terrace.

The House of Music in Porto will be an excellent destination for those who want not only to enjoy high art, but also to try exquisite cuisine. Today we can confidently say that the project has received wide recognition in the architectural community and the music lovers community. Even ignorance of the Portuguese language will not be an obstacle to appreciate the concert performances of the artists.

House of Music in Porto House of Music in Porto House of Music in Porto House of Music in Porto House of Music in Porto House of Music in Porto
House of Music in Porto - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.158886
Longitude: -8.630711


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