Church of San Roque

The Church of San Roque in Lisbon holds a special place among the famous places of Portugal. It is located in the capital of the country, an alternative name is the Cathedral of St. Roch. The interior consists of eight chapels, an altar space and a transept. The inside of the church is richly decorated with gilding, tiles and marble. This is one of the few buildings that were able to survive the earthquake.

Church of San Roque

History of the Church of San Roque in Lisbon

The Cathedral of Saint Roch is one of the most ancient Jesuit Catholic churches in all of Portugal. The exact date of construction is unknown; it served as a local church for parishioners for more than 220 years, after which the Jesuit movement was expelled from Portugal. At the beginning of 1756, a major earthquake occurred in Portugal, which destroyed most of the façade of the church, and it was decided to transfer it and the surrounding areas to the house of the “good” of Lisbon. According to the stories of local clergy, the cathedral was built in Rome and was brought to Lisbon on several ships. One of the chapels, which is located inside the Church of San Roque in Lisbon, was consecrated by the Pope himself. Also at one time she was under the patronage of the Order of Christ - the heirs of the Templars.

Architecture of the Church of San Roque in Lisbon

The exterior decoration is quite simple - made in the style of classical European buildings of the 18th century, but the appearance of the church is deceptive. Inside, the visitor is greeted with rich decorations made of gold and silver, ivory, and the floors are made of expensive marble. One of the interesting elements of the church are the paintings that personify the life of the Order.

Church of San Roque

An important part of the Church of San Roque in Lisbon are the chapels, where there are 8 chapels. All chapels were made by famous Italian masters, among whom Di Matus took an active part. Particularly striking is the fourth chapel, made in the old Renaissance style, where special attention was paid to patterned decoration. The church took its name thanks to the patron Saint Rock, whose images are “scattered” throughout the church in the form of church scenes. Photography is prohibited inside the church, so tourists have to admire the beauty of the church without any aids.

The eight chapels of the church were recognized as one of the most unique architectural monuments in Europe. Every year this place is visited by thousands of tourists, and none of the visitors remains indifferent to such beauty. For the convenience of tourists, a museum was created next to the cathedral, where you can purchase various jewelry, as well as numerous church utensils. If you are in the beautiful and ancient city of Lisbon, be sure to visit this place; the impressions will definitely stay with you for many years.

Lisbon is an amazing old city located in the center of Europe. Here you can stroll along old streets, visit historical museums, and also visit old Catholic cathedrals, of which there are many in Portugal. Of course, among them, one of the special places is occupied by the Church of San Roque in Lisbon, which is famous throughout Europe.

Church of San Roque Church of San Roque Church of San Roque Church of San Roque Church of San Roque Church of San Roque
Church of San Roque - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 38.713611
Longitude: -9.143611


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