Sac Actun

The city of Tulum has one of the largest cave systems in the world - Sak-Aktun, second only to the Mamont cave. In total, the total length of the moves reaches 317 km, of which only 6 km is not flooded with water. The cave chain was opened in 1987 and those researchers added new sites to Sak-Aktun. In 2007, the Nahoch Nah Chich cave system was connected to Sak-Aktun, in 2011 they added Aktun Hu, and in 2012 - Dos Ozhos.

Sac Actun

For local Mayan tribes, caves are ritual in nature, and, as a rule, a settlement was built in each hay. They believed that in the underground waters was the underground kingdom of the dead under the name Shibalba. The souls of the dead fall into Shibalba and from there it is no longer possible to return. A rather interesting case is associated with the opening of caves, which contributed to the popularity of the underground river.

Several Maya Indians went hunting, returning to the village in the evening, it turned out that one hunter was missing. It turned out that an Indian named Manu fell under the ground, there was water and darkness all around. Manu realized that he was in the afterlife of Shibalba, but, nevertheless, did not lose hope of getting out. For several days he wandered through the cave from limestone and began to hear how the voices of the dead seemed to him, causing fear on him, but soon luck smiled at him, and he saw a saving light in the distance. Returning, he gathered friends home and again went to the cave into which he fell. Going down on the ropes, they saw the amazing beauties of limestone caves: unusual forms of stalactites and stalagmites, measuredly iridescent into the reflection of water. After some time, Manu rented a site at the entrance and drew lighting into it, connecting to the generator. In 2012, the cave was discovered for everyone.

Sac Actun

It is possible to evaluate the beauty of the caves only by going down underground. To do this, local guides organize underwater tours, during which you can enjoy unusual limestone formations. In the cave sometimes there are shrimp, catfish, crayfish, fish, as well as bats.

Sac Actun Sac Actun Sac Actun Sac Actun Sac Actun Sac Actun
Sac Actun - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 20.246556
Longitude: -87.464111


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