Matsuyama Castle

Matsuyama, one of Japan's oldest castles, is believed to have been completed in the mid-14th century. Matsuyama is a real mountain fortress (in Japan there are also lowland fortresses, for greater reliability they arranged a deep and wide moat with water around them). Getting to the castle is not easy even today, but in the Middle Ages it was completely inaccessible to enemies.

Matsuyama Castle

History of Matsuyama Castle

Like most structures of this type, Matsuyama was built for defense, the beginning of construction work is considered to be 1331. Mount Gagyu remains difficult to reach today, and in the 14th century it was almost impregnable. Its height is 480 meters, plus the height of the defensive towers. Such a review gave a great advantage over the attackers.

Later, in the 17th century, several more towers were built to accommodate a large garrison with weapons. The highest of them is today listed as a national treasure of the country. After the end of the period of feudal wars, Matsuyama lost its relevance, like other castles in Japan. Today, Matsuyama Castle remains a popular place to visit for all lovers of the history and culture of the country, and, like other castles, it is a wonderful example of ancient architecture.

Matsuyama Castle

Matsuyama Castle Architecture

Matsuyama Castle is not just an ancient fort, you can judge from it how the construction was carried out and how the buildings were decorated at that time.

The castle consists of several buildings, they were used as barracks and warehouses for weapons and ammunition. Also on the territory was the residence of the local ruler. All buildings are united with a large fortress wall. On one of the observation towers there was a huge drum, with its help the inhabitants of the fortress learned about an attack or other important events.

Inside the fortress there is a huge cherry orchard, the trees not only pleased their owners with lush flowers, but also strengthened the soil with strong roots.

Interesting facts:

  • It is not easy to get to the castle, in order to approach its central gate, you need to overcome the cable car;
  • Matsuyama was awarded Michelin stars;
  • The castle has two more alternative names, Kinki-jo and Katsuyama-jo, after the names of the region and city;
  • During the Second World War, part of the castle was damaged;
  • At the end of the 18th century, on one of the days of the celebration of the new year, lightning struck the fortress, the fire severely damaged many buildings.

Matsuyama Castle is open to the public on weekends and weekdays.

Matsuyama Castle Matsuyama Castle Matsuyama Castle Matsuyama Castle Matsuyama Castle Matsuyama Castle
Matsuyama Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 33.845539
Longitude: 132.765722


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