
Brief description of the country

Japan is an East Asian island state with an area of more than 377 thousand square kilometers and a population of over 125 million people. It is called the Land of the Rising Sun and the birthplace of anime, the city of Tokyo is recognized as the capital. The official language is Japanese, but almost everyone speaks English fluently.

Ancient architecture, ancient customs and modern technological solutions coexist harmoniously in Japan. The climate is monsoon subtropical, the tourist season lasts all year round, but it is best to come in the spring. At this time of the year it is cool, you can see the cherry blossoms. May-September is considered a less favorable period for traveling, first there is a rainy season, then hot weather sets in.

Autumn is the next peak of the tourist season, with exhibitions, festivals and other cultural events taking place in Japan. In winter, you can combine skiing and diving. The national cuisine mainly consists of seafood, you can try sushi for every taste, rice, meat and vegetable dishes are also popular.

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