Mont Blanc

Mount Mont Blanc – is the highest point in Western Europe, which numbers 4810 m above sea level. This peak belongs to the Alps and is located between France and Italy.

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc is not a single peak, but a whole mountain system, the components of which are various peaks, as well as snow-capped formations. In this area, Mount Mont Blanc is the first to meet the rays of the sun, and also accompanies it for the night, while sparkling with colorful lights. The true decoration of the mountain is numerous valleys, dense forests and various hills. The most famous valleys in this area are called Chamonix, Glasie, Montju and others. Among the glaciers stand out Mer de Glas, Brenva. Settlements near the highlands are the city of Chamonix, Courmayeur.

As for the climate in Mont Blanc Mountain and the surrounding area, it is quite diverse. Far in the mountains, at an altitude of 1500 meters, snow very often falls, and there are large gusts of wind and a rather low temperature. According to scientists, thanks to such climatic conditions, the remains of an ancient person that were discovered in 1991 have been preserved to our time. Experts say that they are at least 5 thousand years old.

Mont Blanc

The plant world in the Alps, like the animal world, has long been adapted to such conditions. Representatives of deciduous forest are located at the foot of the mountain, and with a rise up, coniferous trees replace them. Alpine meadows are located at the very edge of eternal snows, which in summer are covered with a chic carpet of various vegetation. Meadow grass is food for animals, which often graze here. In harsh conditions, you can observe partridges, which from bad weather usually bursts into the snow.

Mont Blanc Mountain attracts many tourists, snowboarders, ski lovers, but various kinds of scientists also work here.

Mont Blanc – is just a fabulous place for climbers and lovers of extreme sports. But even those travelers who do not like such entertainment will appreciate the beauty of the local natural landscapes. The surroundings of the mountain are special sites for inspection, from which an amazing panorama of the mountainous terrain opens.

Tourists with excellent physical fitness will like a fascinating 130 kilometer hike, which is known as « Tour Mont Blanc ». The tour passes through the territory of three countries, which includes Italy, Switzerland, and, of course, France. The hike is divided into 10 stages. On the way, every day you have to spend from 3 to 10 hours. All this time, travelers are surrounded by amazing mountain landscapes.

From the Chamonix Valley, the beginning of its amazing path of the trail, which reaches the glacier, originates. Such a tourist route is also very popular. You can also admire the area using the lifts or cable cars that Mont Blanc Mountain is equipped with.

Гора Монблан Гора Монблан Гора Монблан Гора Монблан Гора Монблан Гора Монблан
Mont Blanc - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 45.832778
Longitude: 6.864722


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