
Colmar – is a fairy tale city that has found its place in one of the regions of France – Elsase. There are allegations that he is the most beautiful in Europe, and it is not possible to disagree with this.


The territory of the city – is a flat area on the Losh River, near the Rhine. Colmar is a unique area with a population of 67 thousand people. This open-air city museum boasts chic pristine architecture that attracts many tourists. Interesting structures that were erected back in the Renaissance have been preserved here. The area of the city is relatively not large, but it presents many architectural styles very clearly, including baroque, classicism, modernity, and Rococo.

The sights of the Colmar are ancient buildings, among which the Dominican Monastery and St. Martin's Church. Art is very appreciated here, as one of the most popular museums that is located near the Dominican Monastery - the Unterlinden Museum. It contains collections that are very valuable, as they convey to us the beauty of the Middle Ages. On the territory of the Colmar you can also meet a variety of exhibitions of modern talented people. The Pfister House and the Head House, which are located on the most central square, are especially sympathetic to local residents.


The magnificent promenade of this city, Quai de la Poissonnerie, where you can just take a walk and dream, is also worth the attention. When traveling with Colmar, you can not help but visit the wonderful area, which is known as Little Venice. This is an impressive place, previously it was a shelter for fishermen and just residents who were engaged in gardening. Now this territory does not pass anyone by, as it is another attraction of the Colmar. Sailing along the river along the district, it is impossible to look at these colorful houses that were built in the 14-18 centuries. A special charm walk on the water is given by the streets rue des Tanneurs. Here, every free plot of land is successfully decorated with bright colors, luxurious greenery.

No less fascinating walking tours that enable city guests to admire the wealth of the cultural heritage of Colmar.

You will definitely have to like a walk at night, as the city at this time lights up a lot of lights. The amazing lighting system of Colmar allows you to make a chic light show, which makes the city just a magical place.

Colmar is also known for its festivals, including the Colmar International Festival, the Elsassic Wine Festival, the Colmar Film Festival and others.

Walking around the Colmar will not spoil your rain, because here is a very dry climate and damp weather – a rare occurrence. This region is also famous for winemaking, and in local restaurants you can dine with beautiful dishes of Alsatian cuisine.

Colmar Colmar Colmar Colmar Colmar Colmar
Colmar - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.081667
Longitude: 7.355556


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