
Champs Elysees are considered the most important street of Paris, which begins from the Place de Concorde and reaches Charles de Gaulle Square. In size, the street is one of the largest – width is 70 meters, the length is slightly more than 1900 meters.


This most important attraction of the capital of France is the most beautiful, expensive and luxurious place not only in France, but throughout the world.

Translated from Greek, the Champs Elysees mean « well-fed islands ». Immortal heroes of Greek mythology lived in this mystical country.


Until the beginning of the 16th century, it was a marshy area where French kings hunted game. The terrain received its transformed appearance thanks to Maria Medici, who ordered to equip a walking area. The territory was drained and planted trees in three rows. And Louis XIV ordered the architect Andre Lenotr to expand and upset the surrounding area. The road was strengthened and many lanterns were installed, as a result of which this place became a popular place for relaxation and walking. Later, luxurious mansions, shops and shops are erected here, they put asphalt.

The prospectus "Elysees" received its name during the French Revolution. Today, the territory of the Champs Elysees is divided into two parts: the first of them is reserved for shops, the second – park area.

The park area stretches 700 meters in length and 400 meters in width and is arranged in the form of squares - three squares are located on the north side and two on the south. The opening of the park area is a copy of the sculpture of Koni Marley, set in the square of the Ambassadors. In the center of the square of the Champs Elysees, the Palace of the Head of the French Republic was erected. In the third square of Marigny, the theater of the same name is equipped.

Southern Avenue includes the Georam Square and the Great Square of the Games or Holidays. On the territory of the last of them, two exhibition halls have been erected in which works of art are exhibited, as well as temporary exhibitions. Fountains are erected on all square zones. The end of the park area is Round Square with a equipped theater.

Further there is a shop area with various boutiques, restaurants, banking institutions, travel agencies.

Champs Elysees are the center of events during the solemn celebration of the conquest of the Bastille and the end of World War I. These days, celebrations are taking place at the head of the French president and the procession of the military parade.

And this area is especially beautiful on New Year's Christmas days, when everything sparkles with iridescent garlands.

Champs-Élysées Champs-Élysées Champs-Élysées Champs-Élysées Champs-Élysées Champs-Élysées
Champs-Élysées - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.869722
Longitude: 2.3075


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