Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple is located in Luxor. The temple was founded by Pharaoh Amenhotep III ( or Memnon – the Greek name ) back in 1348-1349 BC, which is dedicated to the god Amon with his family.

Luxor Temple

This huge Luxor temple was hiding under the sand of the desert for a long time, and only 1884 finds appeared. But even in our time there are more and more elements of the temple, so recently part of the famous sphinx alley was found, which leads to another attraction of Egypt - to the village of Karnak.

This is the enormous dwelling of the Gods, having built which, Amenhotep III forever immortalized himself. First, the secret rooms ( the gipostal hall, the lobby and the sanctuary ) were raised. The hall was accessible to many, but then, where the sanctuary was, there could only be Pharaoh, and during the war, when he was absent, the right passed to the high priest. The personal chambers of Pharaoh are painted with wall paintings that emphasize the divine origin of Pharaoh. The holy of holies of the temple begins with a dark hallway, where Roman lepnina is very interesting. Then a courtyard was added that surrounds large colonnades, which resembles papyrus nodes.

Luxor Temple

There is also a huge precession colonnade, which consists of 19 meter columns, in the form of blooming papyrus flowers. The entrance to the temple is located on its northern part, where there is an alley with sphinxes, built by Pharaoh Nectaneb. At its entrance are located, as is usually observed in such ancient Egyptian temples, pylons. Here in 1988, 21 statues were opened, among which there are survivors. They can be observed at the Luxor Museum.

This house of deities has repeatedly changed its appearance, each of the pharaohs tried to add something, rebuild. During the reign of the famous Ramses II, this temple expanded significantly, acquired a new look. Behind his decrees, entrance obelisks were erected here, and the walls were decorated with paintings and reliefs. Here is the whole family of Pharaoh. So to the left of the gate are two figures who depict Ramses II himself, not far from the right – a pink tint sculpture, which is well preserved - the wife of Nefertari Merenmouth. Also, once their daughter – was Princess Meritamon, as evidenced by today's remnants of the statue.

Many elements of this building were taken out by the French and British. For example, one with two obelisks, which belongs to the Luxor Temple, is now installed on the Place de la Concorde in France. Having visited Egypt, it is simply impossible to pass this temple by. He became the sanctuary of the first Christians, as well as Egyptian Muslims. Luxor Temple in the daytime and evening – these are two different spectacles. Having given enough time for this tour, you can hear the music of the centuries that the walls of this temple bring to us. The tourist complex is very developed here and in each hotel you can be provided with a chic tour to the temple, which will be accompanied by an accessible story about the life of the ancient Egyptians.

Luxor Temple Luxor Temple Luxor Temple Luxor Temple Luxor Temple Luxor Temple
Luxor Temple - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 25.7
Longitude: 32.639444


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