Bohemian Paradise

Bohemian Paradise – a reserve that is located in the north-eastern part of the Czech Republic. This area has earned special attention from tourists due to its amazing landscape. A relatively small area generously endowed with sharp canyons, wonderful valleys, velvet forests. A magnificent addition to the Czech Paradise is the Iyiglava River and Lake Mahovo.

Bohemian Paradise

The main attraction of the reserve are rock cities formed from sandstones. Some rocks have names such as the Mouse Hole or Dragon Rock. Many legends are associated with these places in the Czech Republic.

The most famous rocky city, which was loved by both ordinary travelers and cycling enthusiasts and climbers, is the Groboskalsky Nature Reserve. The local landscapes, filled with stone canyons and amazing valleys, simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. The eastern part of this area is filled with another natural attraction of the Czech Paradise, which is called the Prakhov Rock. Huge stone columns grow simply from the ground, while forming various gorges. There are many hiking trails that lead to local viewing platforms. Of greatest interest to the guests is the observation deck, which is located in Parzhez Castle in the midst of the cut down rocks. The next, peering-fed landmark of the Czech Paradise, is the Placanek Valley, where the Costa Castle is built in the Gothic style. Against the background of huge rocks and dense forests, it seems very small. But the most visited area of the Czech Paradise is the valley, which is divided into parts of the Yizira River. Its location is the Maloskalsk district. On one side of the river, just from under the water, huge stone formations rise, and on the opposite - there is a dry comb that climbers have chosen.

Bohemian Paradise

Przigraz rocks also take place in Cesky Paradise, where the so-called « Drab rooms » are located - which is a combination of rocks with their gorges. Lone stone elevations have their own names, among which « Minaret », « Horse » and others.

The highest point of the reserve – is Mount Kozakov, where a very popular observation deck is located.

This area is really paradise, because here, among the wealth of nature, you can arrange an unforgettable vacation for every taste. In summer, guests of the park are happy to take cycling, mountain climbing or picking mushrooms and berries. Here you can ride a boat, fly on a hang glider or just lie on the wonderful beach of Lake Mahova.

In winter, wonderful ski resorts open in the Czech Paradise, where the ski route can be diversified by a fascinating excursion program.

Bohemian Paradise Bohemian Paradise Bohemian Paradise Bohemian Paradise Bohemian Paradise Bohemian Paradise
Bohemian Paradise - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.519722
Longitude: 15.170556


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