Summer Imperial Palace

The Summer Imperial Palace is nicknamed the pearl of the capital of China; it is located in the northwest of Beijing in the Haidian district. The complex is a pearl of palace and park art, embodying the best traditions of China. The palace grounds are a wonderful combination of landscapes and attractions. The layout of the building is based on the legend of the three divine immortal islands.

Summer Imperial Palace

History of the complex

The beginning of the construction of the park ensemble is considered to be 1750. The palace and park ensemble is the residence of the Qing Dynasty in Beijing, inspiring the emperor. It is known as the "Garden of Care for Peace in Old Age."

Over the centuries, during wars, the complex was destroyed. In 1914, after restoration, the Summer Imperial Palace was opened to tourists. Currently on the territory: several theaters, a gallery, lakes. Landscaped gardens, temples, halls fit harmoniously into the surrounding nature. This is the real embodiment of Chinese philosophy.

Summer Imperial Palace

Main Gate

All visitors to the Summer Imperial Palace pass through the Renshoumen Gate and are greeted by two bronze lions. Orientation to the east indicates a loose order. The Second Gate of the Summer Imperial Longevity Palace offers a beautiful view of the main courtyard. Tall pine trees and an audience hall for receiving important guests.

There are many stones throughout the entire territory of the palace and park ensemble. On the main axis behind the gate lies a 3 meter high boulder that resembles an abstract sculpture. Bronze figures of dragons and phoenixes served as vessels for incense.

What you can see

Lake Kunming occupies 75% of the territory of the Summer Imperial Palace and is located in the center of the complex. The reservoir is located at the junction of hills and plains. There is an island on the lake, connected to the park area by a bridge. A picturesque structure 0.15 km long, 8 meters wide and 17 arches.

Next to the lake you can see Longevity Hill - this is part of Yanshan Mountain. From the foot to the top of the hill there are buildings made in Chinese traditions. This is a Tibetan temple of nineteen buildings, the structures are located so that they form a mandala of “four continents”. On the other side of the mountain is pristine nature.

Stone boat 96 meters long. The wooden ship was burned in 1860 during the war. The boat was restored as a copy of marble. Paddle wheels are borrowed from Western style. Paiyukdian Palace is the culmination of the palace complex of the Summer Imperial Palace. Part of the building overlooks the lake "Hall of Sky-high Heights". In front of the palace there are 12 garden stones representing the animals of the Chinese calendar.

The Garden of Virtue and Harmony is located in the northern part of the audience hall of the two palace theaters. Peking Opera performances were staged here. The dimensions of the theater stage are 17 meters wide and 21 meters high. The design consists of 3 tiers, folding hatches, and lifting mechanisms. Troupes with famous Beijing Opera actors often perform here.

A long gallery connects the Hall of Joy and Longevity with the Hall of Stone Masters (Shizhang). The length of the covered corridor is 0.728 kilometers. The walls are painted with famous landscapes, episodes from Chinese legends and myths. It is impossible to walk around the entire palace and park area in one day. You can come here many times and discover interesting places and attractions. Here you can retire in the shade of the garden, or listen to the wonderful Beijing Opera. The Summer Imperial Palace will not leave many tourists indifferent.

Summer Imperial Palace Summer Imperial Palace Summer Imperial Palace Summer Imperial Palace Summer Imperial Palace Summer Imperial Palace
Summer Imperial Palace - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 39.9975
Longitude: 116.2689


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