Abel Tasman National Park

Abel Tasman is a national park located in the far north of the South Island, in the southern part of Golden Bay in New Zealand. The national park was formed in 1942. It covers a small area of only 225.3 km2 and is the smallest national park in New Zealand. The name of the park is given in honor of Abel Tasman, who is the first European to open the side of New Zealand in 1642.

Abel Tasman National Park

The sea coast in Abel Tasman Park has long been a popular tourist route. It goes along the entire cut and repeatedly blocked by rocks and overgrown with ravines of the coastline, replete with secluded bays and dazzling white deserted beaches. Rare New Zealand forest birds such as thuis and a honey bell are found in coastal forests. They can be seen along with the Pukeco bird at the mouths of dried rivers and wetlands. In the territory of Abel-Tasman Park there are more than 200 species of plants, birds and animals that live exclusively in these places.

On the shore – a huge number of sightseeing companies where you can rent kayak. The most popular route – past the picturesque Apple Rock Rock. If you want to sail outside the national park, you can go to the islands of – for example, Tonga Island ( where sea seals and penguins ) or Adele and Fisherman Island overgrown with dense forests. Abel-Tasman – is a good option for riding both beginners and advanced kitesurfers. The best beaches in the national park need to be sought in the bays of Apple Three, Bark, Te Pukati and the shell Anchorage. Very good is the wide Caitheriteri Beach, which from a bird's eye view looks like a crescent.

Abel Tasman National Park
Abel Tasman National Park Abel Tasman National Park Abel Tasman National Park Abel Tasman National Park Abel Tasman National Park Abel Tasman National Park

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Abel Tasman National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -40.833333
Longitude: 172.9


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