Cheng Clan Academy

The Cheng Clan Academy is open every day from 8 am to 5 pm, everyone can visit it. Tourists often come here. The attraction is an ancient castle in Guangdong, built in the 19th century. Entrance fee is HK$12. If you go by metro, you need to get off on the first line, which is called "Chen Clan Academy", you need exit from metro D.

Cheng Clan Academy

History of the Cheng Clan Academy

At the end of the Qing Empire, immigrants from China who had received American citizenship decided to build a temple in Guangdong province as a tribute to their ancestors. At the same time, they wanted it to have not only a decorative, but also an educational role. This idea was supported by families from 72 districts, which made it possible to raise the necessary funds to begin large-scale construction. All work was completed by 1894, when the grand opening of the Cheng Clan Academy took place.

In 1905, a school for civil servants from the Cheng clan began to function here. In 1957, the academy received the official status of a cultural monument. Local residents believe that this decision was quite fair. This made it possible to open a gallery of national art, which over time became a full-fledged museum.

Cheng Clan Academy

Description of the Cheng Clan Academy

This is a complex building system that looks like a rectangle. The Academy occupies an area of more than 13 thousand square meters. The complex includes 19 buildings of different sizes, which are connected to each other using corridors. Thus, 6 courtyards were created. The entrance to the Cheng Clan Academy is decorated with statues of river gods. The academy has 9 ceremonial halls.

A visit to the attraction provides an opportunity to learn about the unofficial life of southern China, get acquainted with the local culture, traditions and customs. The attraction is called a work of art that fascinates at first sight. The palace complex presents the best examples of folk crafts. Every Wednesday of the third week of any month, admission to the Cheng Clan Academy is free. There is also no entrance fee on the second Saturday in June, when Hong Kong celebrates National Cultural Heritage Day.

Cheng Clan Academy Cheng Clan Academy Cheng Clan Academy Cheng Clan Academy Cheng Clan Academy Cheng Clan Academy
Cheng Clan Academy - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 23.129758
Longitude: 113.2405


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