Lake Titicaca

Titicaca Lake is located in the Andes Mountains at an altitude of about 4 km above sea level. Its location is the border of Bolivia and Peru, which determined the belonging of the territory of this reservoir to these two states. This highest lake ranks second in area in South America and is about 8.3 thousand square meters. km. The maximum depth reaches 300 meters. The water temperature in the middle of Lake 10-12 ° C, off the coast descends below zero. Its salinity is 1%, so the lake is considered freshwater.

Lake Titicaca

Water enters Lake Titicaca due to a combination of atmospheric precipitation and meltwater about three hundred rivers flowing from the glaciers surrounding it. The lake itself is the source of the Desaguadero River. Depending on weather conditions, the color of the water varies from light blue to dark gray. Especially beautiful it is a blue azure. A unique feature of the lake is the ebbs and flows, which shows a resemblance to the ocean.

The Titikaki coastline has created many islands and bays scattered throughout its surface. Floating islands built of totor reeds provide shelter to several hundred Uru Indians. The islands are held using ropes tied to pillars. A lot of effort is being made to keep the island afloat. Since the reed rots quickly, it is changed every three months. They created a lifestyle « of the thruster civilization ». The rest of the tenants moved to land. The most significant city on the coast is Puno.

Lake Titicaca

Titikaka, along with floating islets, is a popular attraction, and is in great demand among tourists. They love to walk the islands, feeling the reed surface moving under their feet, also study the life of the ancient tribe.

The lake has the status of a national reserve, in the territory of which many different birds, fish, mammals live. Sharks are in the waters. A lot of eucalyptus is growing throughout the neighborhood.

Titikaka is shrouded in many secrets, backsides, myths and legends. Until today, the history of the origin of the lake is unknown. One of the versions of its name is the designation « stone cougar », since the bird's eye view shows a resemblance to this animal.

The buildings found at the bottom of Lake – temple and terraces are also unsolved. Findings make up the assumption that an ancient city is under water.

Lake Titicaca is of great interest to archaeologists, scientists, treasure seekers.

Lake Titicaca Lake Titicaca Lake Titicaca Lake Titicaca Lake Titicaca Lake Titicaca

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Lake Titicaca - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -15.836389
Longitude: -69.338611


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