Eduardo Avaroa National Park

The Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve is located on the southwestern side of the Potosiv department, which belongs to Bolivia. The total area occupied by the lands of the national park is 714.5 hectares. This park is a plateau, but also found on its territory and an elevated area, which is the mountain range of West Cordillera. On the plateau of Eduardo Avaroa there are lakes of the type of lagoons, which formed during the disappearance of the ancient sea, which once washed its shores.

Eduardo Avaroa National Park

The lagoons have an unusual red, green, yellow, as well as blue colors, looking into which, I just can’t believe that the water has transparency. These amazing lake lagoons change their color, which depends on the time of day or lighting.

Under the name « Andi Nest », the red lagoon is led, in the territory of which more than 3,000 flamingos live, and not one species. The reason for the red shade of water in the lagoon is the soil of sedimentary rocks.

Eduardo Avaroa National Park

The green lagoon of the Eduardo Avaroa Nature Reserve, which attracts many tourists, has its own unusual color due to the magnesium that is part of its foundation. It is located at the foot of the volcano Linkabur, about 5868 meters high and has an area of 17 km2.

Sol de Manyana – is the territory of the active action of the volcano, the landscape of which resembles the era of the formation of the earth.

The Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve attracts travelers not only with its high cliffs, geysers, as well as volcanic hollows, but also with its flora with fauna.

Here is a cluster of flamingos, the diversity of which can be admired in November, when the natural conditions of the park are more acceptable. The main mammals in the park are Vicuña and Viskachi, which are a type of chinchillas. The vegetation of the reserve is characterized by pastures.

The Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve is characterized by drought in winter and a period of rains with high humidity – in summer. The average annual temperature of the park is 20 degrees, although frosts in the area can be at any time of the year.

On the territory of the national reserve Eduardo Avaroa there are tourist routes that enable travelers to enjoy the beauty of the colored park of lakes, as well as a variety of beautiful flamingos. In the park area there are hotels, as well as a variety of cafes.

Eduardo Avaroa National Park Eduardo Avaroa National Park Eduardo Avaroa National Park Eduardo Avaroa National Park Eduardo Avaroa National Park Eduardo Avaroa National Park
Eduardo Avaroa National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -22.466667
Longitude: -67.466667


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