Yerevan Lake

Yerevan Lake is not really a lake, it was artificially arranged here in 1963, for which they blocked the channel of the Hrazdan River. From the shores of Lake Yerevan, and some call it even the sea, an excellent view of the city opens. In the roast, locals come to cool water. The water is dirty enough and the water temperature is pretty cool.

Yerevan Lake

One tragic story that happened here in 1976 is connected with this place. Passing past the reservoir, the tram lost control and fell into the water. There were 92 passengers in it at the time of the fall. In a happy coincidence, the Armenian diving champion Shavarsh Karapetyan conducted his training near the crash site, and his brother was with him. Together, they took out more than 40 people from the water, only 20 were saved from them. The tram by then fell to a depth of 10 meters. For such a selfless act, the hero received an order, and also in his honor they named an asteroid.

Near Yerevan Lake you can find 2 small salt lakes. Near them there are places for summer holidays. The dirt of these lakes is medicinal, contains minerals that have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. The lakes are very small and finding them will be the easiest to follow the locals.

Yerevan Lake
Yerevan Lake Yerevan Lake Yerevan Lake Yerevan Lake Yerevan Lake Yerevan Lake
Yerevan Lake - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 40.1606
Longitude: 44.4786


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