Azteca Stadium

The Azteca Stadium in Mexico City is popular not only throughout Latin America, but also far beyond its borders, since it is one of the 5 largest stadiums in the world in terms of capacity and size. One of the favorite sports among Mexicans is football, and local residents are proud that such a large stadium has been opened in their country.

Azteca Stadium

History of Azteca Stadium

The construction of the stadium became a landmark event for the whole of Mexico, since there had never been facilities of this size before. At the time of construction of the stadium - 1961, the Government approved a number of programs that were to take place in the future at this stadium, and so it happened, great world events took place in this place: in 1968 the Summer Olympic Games were held at the stadium, in 1970 the Championship was held here World Cup, there were the Pan American Games and many other significant events in the world of sports. The Azteca Stadium repeatedly hosts matches between the Mexican national team and other teams of the world.

Features of Azteca Stadium

It should be noted that the Azteca Stadium is similar to other stadiums in the world. It has been compared to the Maracanã Stadium, located in Brazil and the largest stadium in the world. The atmosphere in the stadium during matches is difficult to describe - the fans can be heard so loudly that many players say that it greatly influences and puts pressure on them during matches.

Azteca Stadium

If you are a football fan and enjoy the sport, be sure to visit the Estadio Azteca and try to catch a match here. It is at this time that an unusual atmosphere reigns here and a lot of emotions will remain with you. You can also take a walk around the stadium park and see many different shops and park areas where you can visit various entertainment and cultural areas.

Azteca Stadium Azteca Stadium Azteca Stadium Azteca Stadium Azteca Stadium
Azteca Stadium - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 19.303056
Longitude: -99.150556


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