Grand Cascade in Yerevan

The Grand Cascade in Yerevan is one of the main decorations of Yerevan. It consists of 5 open areas and stairs. The height of the structure is 450 m, width - 50 m, slope 15 degrees, stairs consist of 572 steps. In 2021, the upper part was not finished yet.

Grand Cascade in Yerevan

Three architects were involved in the project: D. Torosyan, S. Gurzadyan, A. Mkhitaryan. The practical significance of the monument is to connect the districts of Kentron and Kanaker-Zeytun. The complex began to be built in 1971. Part of the Cascade was built by 1980

Inside the building there are exhibitions, beautiful fountains, sculptures, flower beds. At the top of the Cascade there is an obelisk in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917, 50 m high and equipped with a viewing terrace. In front of the building there is a monument to the architect A. Tamanyan. Near the base is a patio with a small magnificent garden. There are beautiful sculptures in the garden. There are numerous restaurants and cafes on both sides of the complex. The complex hosts music concerts, where jazz or classical sounds.

Grand Cascade in Yerevan

The construction of the northern part of the Cascade was envisaged as early as 1924. A. Tamanyan worked on the plan. The cascade was supposed to become a link between the northern part of the city and the center. It was planned to build giant staircases with waterfalls and flower beds on the Kanaker mountains.

In the 60s. formed Tamanyan Street, suitable for the base of the structure. Wide stepped stairs with five landings rose from it, from where picturesque views of the famous Ararat and the city open. The terraces were to become open-air expositions, decorated with fountains and flower beds. It was planned to install escalators. So far, only one has been installed, raising only two-thirds of the height. Due to a series of large-scale events - the Spitak earthquake, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the armed conflict in Karabakh, the economic problems of independent Armenia - the construction was stopped for more than 10 years.

As you know, the Armenian diaspora is scattered all over the world. Its American representative D. Cafesjian in 2002 sponsored the continuation of the construction of the Cascade and its improvement. In 2009, the Cafesjian Center for the Arts was opened in the complex, in 2011, the Aznavour Center. A sculpture depicting the architect A. Tamanyan is installed near the Cascade, and not far from it is a funny Black Cat, the work of an artist from South America F. Botero. The escapade of stairs and terraces, decorated with bright flower beds and fountains, is not yet completed, but it can be safely called one of the pearls of Yerevan.

Grand Cascade in Yerevan Grand Cascade in Yerevan Grand Cascade in Yerevan Grand Cascade in Yerevan Grand Cascade in Yerevan Grand Cascade in Yerevan
Grand Cascade in Yerevan - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 40.191375
Longitude: 44.515522


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