The village of Shirakawa

The village of Shirakawa is located in the mountainous region of the Japanese island of Honshu. On an area of 350 km2. built a hundred houses. The number of inhabitants is 1750 people. Due to the climatic features of this area, the village has not been indicated on the map for a long time, no one knew about its existence. As a result, they created a unique architectural style of Gasso-Dzukuri, which is unlike anyone.

The village of Shirakawa

All the houses of the village of Sirakawa are erected in the same style with high roofs, connecting at an angle of 60 degrees. These designs resemble hands folded in prayer. This style has been formed over several centuries. It was developed to protect its structures from heavy snow in winter and heavy rains the rest of the year. Thanks to such roofs, snow or rain does not linger on the roofs, but immediately slides down without wetting them.

The houses of Sirakawa were built without nails, exclusively from natural materials, the beams were connected with rods, and the walls were built on the principle of a designer.

The village of Shirakawa

These structures are very strong, they withstand bad weather and are hurricane. Nowadays you can meet houses that are already over 400 years old.

For sheltering roofs use straw. Due to weather features, the roof is blocked by the entire village in two days. Re-crossed after 50 years. There is a mutual benefit, in Japanese it sounds « yu ». All work is done collectively. They live a commune, the life of the inhabitants proceeds calmly and measuredly.

Since the 17th century, for 250 years, the main occupation of residents has been the cultivation of mulberry silkworms on the roofs of houses. But cold winters brought out silkworms. Today, tourism is the main income of the inhabitants of the village of Sirakawa.

Tourists come here to admire this winter, where the height of the snow reaches four meters. Despite the frosts, due to the lack of wind, it is not cold here. On the outskirts of the village there is a high hill from which you can consider the beauty of the surroundings.

The village of Sirakawa – is a place where they preserve the beautiful nature and history of local architecture, while at the same time trying to attract tourists and develop the area. Many of them offer tourists their home as an overnight stay. Having spent the night in one of the structures, tourists get to know local life, traditions and rites. A road is laid to the village, all interested tourists are delivered by tourist buses. The village of Shirakawa in 1995 was recognized as the world heritage of UNESCO.

The village of Shirakawa The village of Shirakawa The village of Shirakawa The village of Shirakawa The village of Shirakawa The village of Shirakawa
The village of Shirakawa - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 36.266667
Longitude: 136.9


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