Royal Pavilion

Today, the Royal Pavilion is a Grade II listed building that houses a museum with over a million exhibits from around the world, a library of rare books, some dating back to the 13th century, and exhibition halls featuring local, national and international exhibits. The Royal Pavilion, also known as the Brighton Pavilion, is Brighton's most visited attraction, attracting over a million visitors each year.

Royal Pavilion

King's Joy Palace

Because of ill health, George IV was advised to go to Brighton, where he bought the London by the Sea boarding house. The King may have been an extravagant man, but his ambition to make the Royal Pavilion a decadent work of art helped Brighton flourish. His presence has had a huge impact on prosperity and social development since the 1780s. Thanks to George and his wonderful palace, we have seen the population of Brighton grow from 3,620 in 1786 to 40,643 in 1831.

Pavilion sale

Queen Victoria first visited Brighton in 1837, which delighted the people of Brighton. However, her older uncle's palace of joy made her feel uncomfortable. She eventually decided that the pavilion was not large enough for her and her growing family, and in 1850 she sold the palace for £50,000 to the City of Brighton. This decision has become a key one for the city's tourism industry, turning it from a private institution into a public one. Now 400,000 people visit the Royal Pavilion every year!

Military changes

During World War I, the Royal Pavilion complex was used as a military hospital for wounded soldiers. From 1914 to 1916, over 4,000 Indian patients passed through the hospital. This required significant modifications. In addition to operating rooms, nine kitchens of three different types were created: one for meat-eaters; one for Muslims and one for vegetarians.

Royal Pavilion

The return of former greatness

The restoration failed in the form of arson in 1975. The attack severely damaged the Music Room and it took 11 years to repair the damage. The same room was damaged during a severe storm in October 1987, when a stone ball broke through the roof. Talented people were involved in the restoration of the pavilion, who kept the Royal Pavilion in safe hands, saving it from demolition more than once.

Royal Pavilion Royal Pavilion Royal Pavilion Royal Pavilion Royal Pavilion Royal Pavilion
Royal Pavilion - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.823056
Longitude: -0.1375


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