Similan National Park

Similan is a Thai national park in the province of Pang Nga, established in 1982. The total area of the park is 128 km2, of which 14 km2 accounted for 9 islands: Huyong, Payang, Pyan, Miang, Ha, Paiu, Hin-Pusar, Similan, Bangu, Bon, Tachai, located in the Andaman Sea 70 km from the coast. Translated from Yavi, the name of the archipelago means "nine". These exotic islands formed by the action of volcanoes, magma released to the surface 65 million years ago under the influence of the sea was smoothed by waves.

Similan National Park

The relatively small territory of the Similan Islands contains almost everything that southern Thailand can surprise: steep cliffs of granite, wonderful beaches with pure white sand and lagoons with clear water, dense tropical vegetation, amazing coral reefs.

Each island of the archipelago has its own zest:

Similan National Park
  • Ko Hyong is one of the whitest beaches of the archipelago on this island, and eggs are also peeling off in November-February.
  • Ko Payang - The island's lanschaft consists of rocks and cliffs.
  • Ko Payan - a large number of rocks and the absence of beaches.
  • Ko Miang - 2 in size is the island of the Similan archipelago. Here is the main office of the national park, as well as a beautiful beach.
  • Ko Similan is the largest island with depths near the islands reaching 25 meters. In a small bay on the west side you can find lobsters, fans, soft corals. On the mountain of the island there is a huge stone, which is a symbol of the Similan Islands.
  • Ko Ha is a great place to dive, there is also a “Grow Garden” where you can see eels sticking out of sand.
  • Ko Pai - there is no beach on the island, but the local waters were chosen by divers, who are attracted by a diverse underwater world.
  • Ko Hin Busar is a rocky island with underwater caves in which unique nature. In addition to corals, a large number of fish, chimeras, tubs, as well as turtles live here.
  • Ko Bon and Ko Tachai - there is a beautiful beach, and on the shore you can meet a whale shark.

The American Diving Association has contributed the Similan Islands to the top 10 best places for diving and snorkeling. One of the first to dive in these places was Jacques-Yves Cousteau himself - a French researcher, inventor of scuba gear. The underwater world of the park is very diverse, sea devils, whales, leopard, reef sharks, stingrays, Napoleon fish and a large number of other fish that a complex ecosystem of coral reefs entails here, sometimes called the rainforest of the sea. Reefs are mainly inhabited by actiniums, shellfish, crabs, gorgonariums, lobes, sea flowers and corals. Corals are the main reef builders that form limestone buildings during their lifetime, which in the Similan Islands can grow to 30 meters high.

All the islands of the Similan archipelago are surrounded by beach forests that cross the tropical in the depths of the island. On the islands there are 39 varieties of birds, of which they constantly live here: sea korshuns, white-breasted reeds and migratory species: shake-breeds, beckons, swallows, herons, imperial pigeons, eagles, paints. The islands have very scarce fresh water supplies, so large mammals cannot survive here. Nevertheless, there are 27 species of small mammals, among which 16 bats. Also on the island you can find protein, palm cunts, lemurs, porcupines. Even on the island, earthy mountain crabs are found in large quantities.

Every year, Similan is visited by up to 150,000 travelers sailing with Phuket and Kao Laka. You can swim to the island in about two hours by buying an excursion in one of the travel agencies. It is worth noting that the park can be visited from November to May due to the rainy season. At other times, the park is unsuitable for recreation and storms pose a danger to life.

Similan National Park Similan National Park Similan National Park Similan National Park Similan National Park Similan National Park
Similan National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 8.6525
Longitude: 97.640833


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